Chapter 1 (Astonished)

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(Y/N)-Your name
(E/C)-Eye color
(H/C)-Hair Color
(H/L)-Hair Length
(F/C)-Favorite Color

To the story!

As you awaken from you slumber you look over to your phone, it kinda stings your eyes to see the bright light in the darkness. You had gotten a notification, Markiplier Has Uploaded A New Video: Thank You. You were confused, he only titles videos like that when something happens, or he has reached something major. Last time you checked he already posted about VidCon and he was nowhere near a big subscriber count up, he already had it. You played the video, and the more you watched the more you felt yourself about to cry.

"Hello everyone, my name is Marki-*cough*-plier..." He got out, his words were scratchy and his voice was deeper than usual. You noticed the surroundings, they were things you'd see in a hospital, medicine, people you've seen in his videos. 

"I may have gotten in a bit of an... *cough* accident..." The camera panned down to his legs that were both in bandages, bloody bandages. Ethan took the camera and panned it around Mark. He was covered in scratches and bruises. His hospital gown showed all the cuts but covered obviously what needed to be. "I got in a car accident on my way back from VidCon... A huge semi fell over on the road in the wind and rain. But guess what guys..." His adorable smile returned which made you smile through the soft tears. You had always known him as kind and special, he was the one YouTuber you had seen almost every video and you knew he was emotional, he always had been. "It crashed over me..." He coughed out, his smile got weaker. Ethan pointed the camera to who all was there, Jack, Tyler, Wade, and Bob were there. They were all either sulking or pacing. 

"Mark..." Ethan whispered but the camera picked it up. The camera panned back to Mark and he was being laid down by a nurse. That's when you realized, you knew that nurse! You got up quickly throwing your phone into the bed as the video kept playing.

"Thank you all for watching, and I know it sound stupid now but I'll see you all in the next *cough* video..." The video ended on Marks tampered words. You quickly get dressed in a work uniform, you worked at that hospital. (A/N if you don't work at a hospital YOU DO NOW :P) You quickly pull on your clothes and grab your phone rushing out the door not caring to brush your hair or anything. You ran out the door and to your car. 

As you drove your thoughts swam through your head, tears started to stream down your face thinking of the worst. Your eyes batted upon the road, as you make it to the hospital you run into the place you work at. Today you weren't to work but you had to help Mark. You felt yourself running faster and faster through the hospital. Brushing corners, throwing yourself down stairs. You make your way upstairs to the floor you work at and see you friend Rory at the front desk. 

"Where is Mark?" You ask him frantically. Your heart was pounding in your chest, you had always had a crush on Mark and of course it was a celebrity crush that would never come true, right? Either way, it would just hurt you too much to see him die, and to die in a hospital in which you could have saved him. 

"Second floor, room 212." Rory said calmly not really paying attention. You were slightly agitated by his ignorance and him not caring but that couldn't be what's stopping you. You ran up the stairs and to the room counting the others as you went. You stopped when you reached it. 

"212..." You whispered under your breath panting slightly. You knock on the door and Jack answers it.

"Hello, ma'am, are you here for Mark? Is he gonna be okay?" Jack said sadly. You only shrugged and hugged him comfortingly. 

"Don't be sad Jackiboy..." You could feel him smile as he backed away.

"Is our nurse a fan?" Mark stuttered out. You walked up to him and took his hand, his hand was covered in wounds and bruises. 

"Yes, Markimoo. But don't worry I'll make sure to take care of you, I swear." I went to look at his x-rays. He had his legs fractured and his arm was out of it's place. "You're lucky.." I started. He turned to face me. His mocha eyes just seemed to lighten up a little when I said that. 

"Your arm could've been ripped off, Mark." I sigh and take his hand once more. "But you're gonna make it Mark, I swear." He smiled and chuckled his deep laugh. It was sweet.

"Thank you.." He paused looking for my name tag. My name tag! I forgot to put it on!

"Y/N, it's Y/N..." You smile.

"Thank you, Y/N!" His voice was cheerful but you could see he regretted it. You only smiled and looked to the others.

"You can film videos whenever you want just for now I need you guys to give Mark a bit of privacy, he needs to take his shots." You say kinda sadly seeing some of your favorite YouTubers walk out the door. You look at Mark and your heart starts up, pounding against your chest. You were face to face with a YouTuber you had always had a slight crush on. You just couldn't believe it was real. He only lied against his pillows and rested his head down. 

"Thank you, Nurse..." He said as he looked into your E/C eyes. His eyes seemed to light up and you giggled a little brushing your H/L H/C hair out of your face. He took your hand and you began his shots. You just couldn't believe this wasn't a dream.

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