Chapter 4 (Darkness)

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You awaken slowly and feel a pounding in your head. You put your hand over it and look up. It's morning. You try to remember everything that happened and then, it comes to you. You get up quickly and rush to the bed. Mark isn't there and neither is his wheel chair. You run through the house until you stop in the living room.

"Oh, so you woke up, hm?" There he is. The one who did this. Dark.

"Where's Mark?" You say strictly.

"That weak Mark is gone, Y/N and it doesn't matter, because now... We can be together." You get more tense and out of rage charge at him knocking him over. He grabs your wrists and pulls you to him.

"Leave us alone! Why do you even want me? Huh? I'm just his nurse!" You grumble.

"We both know it's more than that. Your both just to scared to say it. But I can do it for him." Without a second to spare and pulls you close and kisses you. The grey in him fades as you watch Mark's colors return on him. It was Mark but Dark was controlling him somehow. You smile in the kiss and can't help but kiss back. His eyes open and you meet a gaze, your E/C eyes melt into his. He pulls away from the kiss and sighs.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." He looks down in defeat. "I should just leave." You put a hand over her his and hold it closely.

"It's okay Mark, don't worry. You don't have to leave." You say sweetly. He smiles.

"Thank you, Y/N... For everything." He chuckles.

"It's nothing." You wrap an arm around him and keeps holding his hand in the other.

"But Dark will come back, he won't stop until your his."

"Not on my watch he ain't." You giggle a little. So does he. "Wanna make a video, Mark?"

"Only if you want to be in it." You blush a little to his words imagining what it would be like to be seen by millions of followers and haters. You think for a moment and finally build up the courage to say "Sure, why not." He smiles knowing you'll go with him and has you follow him to a room in your house. It was your room, it was the most organized room. He pulled out his camera from a bag the hospital gave him. He set it up messily in his wheel chair and smiled turning it on.
"Hello Everyone my name is Markiplier!" You giggle at his child like act. It was priceless and made you blush lightly. "This is Y/N, she was my nurse and is here to be in my video today!" You smile to the camera.
"HI EVERYONE!" You laugh.
"You better not laugh, Y/N because we're doing a... TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE!" You both giggle and the video continues.

The video finished and Mark begins to go edit as you sit down in your living room. You felt bad for him, and all his fans, he was broken in that accident and after that is he going to recover? Not even you could tell. Your eyes scan around the room as the lights go out. Lucky you. You go up to help Mark put away his items and hear a smash from the inside of the room. You open the door to expect a raging Mark, but you see something that you didn't expect. Dark.

"Hello, Y/N..."

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now