Chapter 36 (He's A Mistake)

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The next day rolls around and you wait for Roy in your office. You were scared to see your result of what happened to Roy. He walked in, tears still falling from his eyes. He was crying, sobbing, and sniffing when he sat in front of you. This was surprising for how little emotion he ever gives. 

"What happened?!" You say hugging him and pulling him carefully into the office. He wipes his eyes getting tear spots all along his sleeves. 

"M-My parents th-they.." He couldn't speak, he was stuttering so badly. 

"Calm down I'll go get Mystique." You run down the halls, you hadn't fully remembered Mystique's schedule yet but you remembered enough. You ran up to the class interrupting their teacher. Mystique looks up from her seat while everyone else is studying or listening to music rudely. She walks up to you as her teacher gives you an off stare. You rush her down the hall without words to the office, as soon as she sees Roy she understands why. 

"Roy!" She hugs him carefully trying not to hurt him. You couldn't believe how hurt he was compared to yesterday. But this time you had an alibi and you were ready to call the cops. You pull out your cell and call them up. You bring Roy carefully into your car signing both kids out and driving to Roy's house. The police met you there. Mystique had calmed Roy down, while the police were investigating his parents you talked to Roy. 

"What happened?"

"My parents when I got home, told me I was such an idiot for telling you what happened. They dragged me into my room and locked me in there until it was time for school, then when they realized I was dating Mystique they slapped me and made me leave the house calling me a mistake..." Mystique hugged him tightly. 

"No you're not..." Mystique said comfortingly. You smiled at this kindness she gave. Just like Jack, she was just like her father. Speaking of them you needed to tell Mark what happened. 

You, Mystique, Roy, and Mark met at a cafe. Fan girls obviously ravaged the place but not many since he'd lived in LA for so long everyone who was there had already seen him at least once. You four all started talking. 

"Where are you going to go Roy?" Mystique asked holding his hand warmly. 

"My brother is going to be taking care of me." Not soon after a tall man with dark red hair walked in. He walked up to Roy and hugged him tightly. 

"I'm so sorry Roy..." Roy hugged him back. 

"Thank you..." You smile and Mystique walks him out to his car. You and Mark walk with him. Mystique hugs Roy good bye and you all head back home. 

Mystique, once home goes to her room and you and Mark go to your room. 

"Y/N... I have some news." 


"VidCon is coming back and wants me in it."

"VidCon?" Thoughts scrambled in your head of how you met Mark in real life. Though it changed your life for the better Mark was scarred severely from the incident. 

"Let me go with you." You say sternly.

"That's just it, I can't." You pause.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll be leaving in eleven days and I'll be gone for four days. They only gave me one ticket and I'm going by myself, I'd love to bring you but I don't want the fans to trample you or hurt you while we're there. Plus who'll take care of Mystique?" He had a point. You hug him.

"Okay Mark..." 

"Plus we still have time, I'll be hear for a little over a week, I love you." He kisses your lips softly and smiles.

"I love you too Mark." You both stay up almost all night recording and fall asleep together happily.

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