Chapter 31 (You Loved Her Didn't You?)

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While you were in your half dead state you could see everything that was happening, where Mark was, where Anti was, where Google, Dark, Wilford, Jack, Ethan all of them were! Your spirit followed Anti for as much as you could, he had taken Mystique to Jack's house. Jack and Anti weren't like Mark, they were two separate bodies. Two separate people. Anti was sitting on a low black Lazy Boy while Jack was holding Mystique away from him.

"Leave her alone, she's your daughter, you can't kill her!" 

"You're right, she's my daughter." Jack looked down in shame. Wait was she Anti or Jack's daughter? You were a little confused. "The whole Rory tricked really worked didn't it. I was just gonna help get another victim but this, not only are you gonna get a girl but I can finally kill Mark! Isn't that great!" 

"No! You can't kill Mark!" His Irish was always stronger when he was mad. Jack pushed Mystique behind him and walked up to Anti gripping his slit throat. "Leave her alone. Leave all of them alone." 

"Why? You love her right? You even said it." He paused and his scratches faded, he looked identical to Jack but was crying. "I want her, she's beautiful, kind, she's everything and more. She's a fan of me and she feels like she doesn't mean anything but she does... To me..." He laughed evilly and turned back to himself. Jack had tears in his eyes and was about to slit his throat again. You wanted to reach out to him but you couldn't.

"Maybe I did love her! But it's obvious she loves Mark! Let her be happy! If Mark loves her back leave her and him alone!" Anti growls and vanishes. You quickly trace back to Mark. He's sitting there holding you carefully giving you your final amputation. After this there is no hope. You hurry back to your own body you can't reach it though, something is pulling you back. Dark and Google appear in front of you pulling you toward your body. You turn to look behind you and see Tory pulling you away.

"You're the reason why he killed me! Why he used me! You're that stupid fan girl who did this to me!" Her face was half ripped off and she wanted you dead. You heard the first beep of the shock. You got pulled back further. Then the second. Dark's eyes were glowing a fierce red and Google was glitching back and forth but still pulling you back to your body and finally you made it. 

Your heart starts again and you pull up in rapid gasps. 

"Mark!" You hug him tightly. 

"You're, you're alive!" He had tears still from his eyes to his chin. He hugged you back carefully and you smiled. You covered yourself putting your shirt back on right. You smile and laugh a little but then remember what you saw. 

"We need to get to Jack's house ASAP." You say getting up and starting to walk to the door.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" 

"Something terrible is about to happen."

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