Chapter 17 (Google The Sweetheart)

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You wake up in Google's arms, it was still him you could tell by the glowing white G on his shirt. You hugged him tightly and slowly got up with messy hair. You ruffled it into place and walked into the bathroom washing your face and doing your business. You come out of the bathroom to see Google standing at the end of the bed. 

"Good morning, Y/N." He says with a smile, with actual emotion in his words. You smile and go up to him.

"Good morning, Google." You giggle and boop his nose. "Hungry?" He nods and you two walk downstairs. You begin to make food but he stops you and starts making it for you, you tilt your head but don't mind it since you're still kind of half asleep. You sit down next to Chica who licks your face making you fall over getting a Doge on your lap. You giggle and play with the lovable pupper. 

A few minutes later Google returns and pets Chica as she gets off and hands you a really nice breakfast dish. You were expecting eggs or something but this was actually really nice. You ate it and you could swear you could hear Gordon Ramsey turn and walk away in shame of his own cooking compared to this. You had no idea Google could cook this well! You turned to him and smiled.

"How did you cook this so well!" You said practically eating the whole thing in one bite. He smiled taking another small bite.

"Well, I can see every instruction and ingredient and every mixture of the best flavors, the recipes I followed told me that this would be best fitting for the aftermath of a first date." You blush a little, first date felt so right and so off at the same time. 

"Right, aftermath is kind of an odd word to use though." He tilts his head confused.

"Should I flag the page?" He asks as a screen pulls up with the recipe for a portion of the meal, you shake your head and it closes. He nods and with a moment of silence he turns to you and says; "Either way I fixed the page." You smile and let out a small laugh. 

"Finish up so we can go get costumes and candy hon." You peck his cheek and go into your room to change into a different pair of clothes.

You leave your room in your favorite shirt and hoodie with a pair of jeans draping some black boots. You grab a small bag and walk up to Google who is now in a bright ice blue tee with the giant G on it and his messy hair brushed out and wearing some jeans as well but more faded than yours. He draped his jeans over a pair of bright red converse with blue green and yellow twisted shoe laces. 

"C'mon Google, let's head out to the stores." You both head out to Mark's car and he hops in you get in the passenger side. Google's G disappears letting you know it's Mark sitting next to you. You have sorta gotten down how to tell who is who now. 

"Halloween City or Spirit Halloween?" He shrugs. You hold up two fingers and he pulls out of the drive way. Chica scratches at the door as you two drive off the Spirit Halloween. After you go inside Mark gets some stuff for videos and meets some fan girls. Four of them come up to Mark, three dressed in sparkly trendy purple and the third in a Markiplier hoodie baggy enough to look like she has a cat and stays on Tumblr twelve hours into the night. The three in purple keep cat calling Mark and hitting on him but you go up to him and peck his cheek. They look you up and down and hiss like the snobby cats they are. You look at them with anger but Mark's glare was just as startling. 

"You are that girl who's been sleeping with Mark to be with him haven't you!" One girl says laughing. Another steps up and tugs your shirt showing the strap of your bra.

"Definitely." She giggles as you pull your shirt back up. The third girl in purple just walks up to you and slaps you. You hold your cheek as security comes up to you and pushes the three girls away. Mark holds you close and checks the red mark on your cheek.

"Are you okay?" He says frantically trying to make you feel better. You nod and look at the fourth girl hoping she isn't like the others. When she realizes you've noticed her she pushes up her glasses with wide eyes. 

"O-oh! Sorry I should go with them..." She stutters out. The other three girls were escorted to their parents already but this girls parent seemed to be nowhere to be found. You walk up to her and stop her before she leaves without scaring her.

"Are you like them? Rude and snobby?" You ask trying not to end up talking really harsh about them. She shakes her head quickly and turns around looking at a woman at the checkout.

"I really should go. My um mom over there needs me." She runs off but doesn't go in that direction. You shrug and look back at Mark. 

"You think that girl is okay? She seems familiar but I can't put my finger on it." She did look familiar but you didn't know where from no matter how hard you tried. You eyes just shifted from place to place but it didn't change. Mark took your hand as you got your costume and went to check out. You both left and Mark made his silly haunted house video. You smile as you watch his silly video get edited in the car and uploaded. You two drive home as Tyler goes home with Chica, he was gonna pupsit for Halloween so she didn't tumble over little kids on accident. Mark drove you both home and you both switched into your costumes. Mark went as a terrifying Googleplier and you went as a demon, not exactly a sexy demon but not so scary you'd run and hide. The G started glowing on his costume and you giggled. 

"Hey Google." But without a word his lips met yours.

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