Chapter 15 (What Are you Doing...)

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You pull into the restaurant and he takes you to the entrance gentleman like. He was so sweet just like in his date with Markiplier video, it made you laugh a little. He smiled warmly and walked you up to your seats. At the booth you both sat at the table gazing at the menus. But he couldn't keep his eyes on the menu, he kept looking up at you which made you blush a little.

"You look great in that dress, Y/N." He smiles his dorky smile. The server practically just appeared next to you too, surprisingly it was Tyler. Tyler smiled and welcomed you to the restaurant. 

"Tyler you work here?" Mark asked, quite confused.

"Yeah, I'm trying to save up for a new camera, Ethan knocked it over on accident and now I need a new one." Tyler fluffed the back of his hair.

"I understand man, those are expensive." Mark shrugged and held out his camera. "After we make a quick video you can use it till you get a new one." You blushed, a video? What if more fans realize where you are? You were a little scared but Mark wasn't, and you knew he'd protect you. Tyler left to get you both drinks and Mark held your hand smiling.

"Wanna make a quick video? I promise to keep the fans that don't like us away from you." You gave a small smile and nodded. He started up the camera and smiled pointing it at you.

"Hi everyone!" You giggle. He smiles and turns it to face him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Markiplier and well," He paused turning it back to you. "I'm here on a date with this lovely girl." He chuckles softly. You smile and blush, giggling too. 

"Mark!" Tyler comes back with your drinks and smiles. He sneaks in the scene and makes a silly face.  You smile and as Mark records your cute little date you finally finish and wrap it up. He finishes the video and posts it. It's gotten dark out as you both walk outside, you stand by the sidewalk waiting for the car to be pulled up. That's when you see someone from a while back you hoped never to see again. Rory walks up with a smirk.

"Girlfriend, huh?" He walks up to you and raises a hand to smack you but before it reaches you someone catches it. A tall dark man pulls him back.

"Oh I've missed you..." Rory was quivering in fear as Dark held him back. You smile softly and take a few quick breathes taking his hand. Rory stepped back quickly after Dark let go. 

"I don't know how anyone could like you, Y/N. I really don't, your inconsiderate and the only reason he likes you is pure luck. Some point, it's gonna run out hon." With that he disappeared in the crowd. You sigh and sit in the car and Dark starts to drive off.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now