Chapter 20 (Welcome To Middle School)

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You wake up tired and sleepy, it's still dark out and nobody else is up except students and teachers getting ready for the next school day. You go to your dresser and pull out a dark purple shirt as ordered and a pair of long black dress pants. You slip on some black flats and tie your hair in a tight pony tail. Again, as instructed. You freshen up for a good first impression and go downstairs to grab a bite before leaving, but when you exit the room you are immediately greeted by a smiling face and a glowing G.

"Where are you going all fancied up?" He says smiling sweetly.

"I'm going to work, it's my first day." You kiss his cheeks and he nods. 

"Alright, don't let the kids intimidate you." You nod and giggle. 

"I'll be back around four. Bye!" You walk out the front door as Google echoes behind you; "Buh Bye!" 

You hope in Mark's car and drive to the school, Rose Alter Catholic School Prep. Wow. Long name too fancy for even a school. You go inside and are greeted by a short young looking woman, she has faded brown blonde hair and a face that just makes you want to say aw. She was wearing almost the same outfit as you and holding a stack of papers. She pushed passed you walking to a car but as she went she yelled back. 

"Office is to your right new kid." You roll your eyes, must be another student. You walk over to the office and sit down in the waiting room. A taller more profound looking woman walks out with a young boy holding her hand. He had messy auburn colored hair and a pale complexion. He wasn't short but wasn't exactly tall either, holding a pear of blue jeans and a grey tee shirt he walked out of the room frowning. The tall woman approached you. Not a smile or anything, no emotion.

"Hello, Ms. L/N. (Last name)" She was strict and seemed to hiss like a cat almost. 

"I'm here for my first day of work, madame." She sighs and points to her name tag. Eliza. "Ms Eliza." 

"Misses." Her voice made her seem on edge and mad. You sat up straight in your seat and she directed you to a small office with seats and medicine. You go inside to sit at your new office. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Eliza." She nods and leaves. You look through different kids medicine so you at least have an idea when kids come in. Not many kids came in the first half of the day but lunch was hard, about fourteen kids per lunch hour had medicine to take. Though during ninth hour a young girl walked in, she looked familiar but it was hard to tell because she was covered in bruises and scratches. 

"Oh my goodness! What happened?" You say carefully setting her down and getting some bandages, she was hurt badly. "What's your name, honey?" She looks up to you tilting her head. 

"I'm Mystique, remember me Y/N?" You gasp a little. 

"Mystique! Who did this to you?" She gazed out the window into the filling up hallways and looked at something you couldn't see. She gulped down something and looked at you.

"Nobody... I fell down the stairs and hurt myself..." You roll your eyes and crouch down. 

"Who really did this to you, honey? You can tell me." She just kind of sat there dwelling whether or not she could tell you. She didn't though and you understood, you just wish you could've known. You gave her some bandages and an ice pack, sadly the best you could do under policy. You give her a hug and she heads out the door but before she does you ask her something.

"Where is your orphanage, honey?" She hands you a note and leaves rushed. You take it and read it while packing up to head home. 

Rosalie Girls Orphanage thank you so much for your help and maybe I'll stop by the nurses office again. I'll tell you more about the three girls later. 


You sigh and put the note in your pocket heading to your car holding papers and files. It was your turn to study medicine files. You make it home and sit in bed pondering things. Mark walks upstairs and sits next to you.

"Tough day?" He says wrapping an arm around you.

"Not really just... Odd... Mystique was there and I'd like to see her again tomorrow night. Is that okay, Mark?" You look deep into his mocha eyes and he nods smiling. 

"Anything that'll make you happy." You smile and blush a little. 

"Thank you Mark." You kiss him on the cheek and go out to dinner with him, totally noodles and chill am I right?

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