Chapter 33 (Adoption)

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You carefully bring Mystique back to the orphanage. She was shaking the entire time and Mark was no better, he was shaking in his chair and his thoughts were running through his mind. You pull up to the orphanage and stop the car, it was dark out, night time after you had gotten back from Jack's house. You all hadn't realized how long it took you during that scene. As fast as it went it was really what would've felt like an eternity.

Mark sat up slowly and looked back at Mystique. She was really shaken up from seeing that happen to her own biological father. Not to mention he tried to kill her too. You take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Clearing your throat you turn to look at Mystique as well.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go home?" Mark turned to you and gave you a small smile. You nod and sigh. Mystique was taking in breaths by gasps which made you feel bad. You held out your hand to keep her from falling over.

"Can I just go with you guys?" She says in a whimper like voice. You nod and start the car again, you smile a little and drive to Mark's house.

Though what you didn't know was what waited at the orphanage. A young boy sat in Mystique's room, a pile of now wilted flower next to him. He held his face in his hands and sighs lowly.

"Well it was worth a shot.." Roy whispered to himself as he got up and left.

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