Chapter 44 (Suspicion?)

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You wake up the next day, angry at Jack and just sit down in the living room with your clothes wadded on your lap. You went through a lot yesterday mentally, maybe not traumatically but still aggressive. Mark walks downstairs in his pajama pants and hugs you from behind. You don't make a sound even when he kisses your head softly.

"What's wrong Y/N?" He asks tilting his head cutely. 

"Just what Jack said yesterday.." 

"What did he say?"

"He said..." You thought about what might happen if you told him how Mark might take it the wrong way and be mad at you or more at Jack. "Never mind.." 

"Okay." He pours you both a warm drink and you both sit in the living room until you both have to go. Mark drops you off with Mystique at the school and he drives off the the recording area with Tyler and Ethan. You get into your class and the sixth graders walk in. You hand them all their papers and then look at it, so bland, so old, so like when you were in school. You sigh and sit at your desk.

"When you kids finish we're going to play a game okay guys, lighten up." You see one kid smile and you smile too. You finish the class and you get to your final class. A student walks up to you from the class, the three girls were staring at you.

"Thank you for making my little sister smile, she barely does anymore." You widen your eyes and pat her shoulder.

"It's nothing sweetie." She smiles and goes to her seat. The three kids growl at her and you. 

"What were you talking to her about! Sex!"

"I bet!" The three girls snicker. The other girl stands and yells at them.

"Leave her alone! She didn't do anything! She's a miracle worker, she got my traumatized sister to smile again by actually giving her a chance. If you think my sisters faults are funny keep laughing you inconsiderate jerks!" The other students gasp but you smile and mouth the words 'thank you' to her. 

"Well you- She- screw you kid." the three girls sit down and grumble to each other curses. You smile and continue your work with class. You finish your last hour and talk to the teachers. The teachers told you more about the student you met in the last hour. Her and her sister had lost their mother to cancer and her little sister was holding her hand when it happened. She had just learned to say I love you and when she said it she passed. It traumatized her for life and she never smiled or said the word love ever again. 

"That's terrible." You say.

"We know, but things happen, you should just be happy you were lucky enough to make her smile." The Social Studies teacher says to you. 

"I guess you're right." You go to get Mystique and as your walking to your car your hear grunts and whimpers. You run to the sound and see the three girls turning away and waving their bloody fists at the 6th grader. 

"Freak." They spit at her. Mystique growls and grabs the three of them. 

"You deserve to go to Juvenile for this." the girls stiffen, then laugh. You quickly help the 6th grader up and hug her taking her and the three girls to the office. Eliza sends the girls to Juvenile and you take the 6th grader to the ER. 

"What's your name hon?"

"J-Jenna.." She whispers a little softly. She had just under shoulder length brown hair with blue eyes and freckles that would match a beautiful smile that she tried to hide. You sigh and drop her off at the ER. "Bye Mrs. Fischbach." You smile and blush. You get home with Mystique and walk inside. Mark still isn't home, odd. you check your phone, still no new video. You were getting a little suspicious. But you brushed it off. Hours later he came home with Matthias and came inside. 

"Hey Y/N." 

"Foods on the stove I'm going to bed!" Mystique says smiling. She goes up to her room and quickly falls asleep. 

"Well then." he laughs a little and makes himself a plate. You two watch TV and chat the rest of the night until you both crash together.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now