Chapter 39 (Well, here we are again)

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The next day wasn't a calm morning, you woke up to your alarm blaring and Chica pouncing on you because she needed to go outside. You quickly get up and playfully take her outside. She loves how you two play together and gives you doggy kisses to repay you. You giggle and smiles. 

"Good morning, hon." Mark ways from behind you in a deep morning voice. You blush, the voice getting closer as he spoke. 

"Oh! Hey Mark." You can feel his breath behind you.

"Nope, guess again." He covers your eyes and smiles. 

"Dark?" He uncovers your eyes and you turn around smiling. He was shirtless but still Dark. You blush and smile.

"Good morning to you, Dark." Mystique walks down the stairs and giggles. 

"Hi!!" She says completely ruining the moment. You turn around and wave to her. 

"C'mon hon, time for school." You turn to Dark. "Can you drive, I have the day off today." He nods and grabs a red shirt walking her to the car. You wait at home for about an hour and just chill there peaceful, quiet, Chica sleeping on your legs. You relaxed until Mark got home. When he got home he was still Dark, it kind of surprised you. He sat next to you and kissed your lips softly. Just s quickly as you pecked his lips back he pulled away and took your hand. 

"Do you want to record a Darkiplier video or do you want to watch a movie?"

"Both but movie first." He chuckles and nods.

"Okay." He puts in your favorite movie and smiles. You two cuddle until it finished and went to record the video. It ended with a dramatic fall seen of you being killed by Darkiplier. It was funny in retrospect. Though when you fell you accidentally brought Dark down with you and he fell on top of you. He smirked and you blushed quickly getting to your feet. 

"Well, we can edit that out." You both smile and that's how you both spend your day. When Mystique was home you all ate and everything was sound you all went to sleep. Mystique was sound in her room and you and Dark were together cuddling once again. He held you closer than Mark does and kisses you more and more softly. It was sweet. He smiled and hugged you.

"Well," He gets your attention. "Here we are again." He chuckles softly and you both fall asleep in each others arms.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now