Chapter 40 (I Have To Go)

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You wake up and smile, you were happy to have spent such a nice day with Dark yesterday. The house was quiet this morning. You get out of bed and help Mystique to school, you sat at your office. Everything was calm, you watched Mark's videos at work while waiting for the day to finish, smiling at every silly little moment he made. Ethan would joke around with Tyler and Jack just kept stink eye on Mark. Looking in the comments you found some comments asking about Jack. You switched over to Jack's channel and looked at him, in his video he was crying. It was his newest video. His eyes were red and puffy, his iris' were black as night. You put the video on full screen and turned the sound on a little, not loud enough for your boss to hear.

"Hello everybody. I know this isn't my usual welcome to my videos but I have... I have some news." The comments were going crazy. "I'm not sick or ill..." Your eyes widen when you see what is in his hand. "I'm not in pain or in love..." He laughs and holds a gun to his forehead. "Well, maybe I am in love... but it wouldn't matter anyway..." Caring comments were rolling in with little to no haters selling terrible words. The camera stopped on a loud note. You shut your computer as the last bell rang, you ran to Mystique who was walking down the hall to you and swooped her up running to your car.

"No time to explain we need to get to your fathers."


"Yes. Call Mark, quick." She rings up Mark who is already on his way as well. Mystique is freaking out, no knowing what had happened. This was big news that was hard to take for all of you. You pulled into his building and ran inside, you ran into his recording room and saw him sitting there in tears the same gun next to him. 

"What do you want?!"

"Jack!" Mystique runs up to him and hugs him.

"Hi sweetie..." 

"Jack please don't do this!" 

"Why? Just so everyone can leave me once more!" 

"Jack!" Mark ran into the room.

"And you too!" Jack started. "You don't help at all, you've stolen the only people I loved and you've become more and more of a man then I'd ever be." 

"Jack.." You and Mark say turning to each other.

"Don't fret. I have to go anyway.. my fans wouldn't care anyway.. just another fad gone within the internet."

"No!" Mystique yells. "Your fans would cry and miss you! You've saved so many people! How can you say things like that about your fans? I know your sad but.. that's no excuse!" Jack sighed and hugged Mystique as well. 

"You're right, Mystique.." She smiles and you hold Mark's hand. "I shouldn't have spoken about my fans like that, they are everything to me. I'm sorry Mark." He nods.

"Don't worry, Jack. Just make it seem like Anti made that video." Jack laughs a little and you head home with Mark and Mystique. Jack calms and you both spend the rest of the day chilling calmly.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now