Chapter 22 (Eliza?)

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Mark rushed down the stairs and stopped a few feet away from you. 

"Y/N... I.. I'm so sorry!" You don't even turn to him you just keep looking from one thing to another. 

"Mark..." You start. "He had a point... You never really said you loved me. You said it the way a boyfriend would say to his girlfriend but why am I actually here?" You turn around to face him. He pauses thinking of words, it was a lot to think about and to say.

"I do love you, you saved me when nobody else would and you stand up for me when people are making fun of you." You smile a little. 

"I love you too Mark, for being everything and more through videos and just by being yourself." You hug him and he gives you a dorky smile. You smile and let out a soft laugh. 

The next day it was your turn to meet Mystique. You dressed in a casual attire of your favorite colors and grabbed the note she gave you. Hopping in Mark's car you drive to the orphanage. You park the car and get out holding the note tightly in your hand. You walk up to the door and open it, it creaks lowly and you get blasted with an awful stench like a cafeteria in a nursing home. The halls were made of dark wood or stained steel bars. You walk down the halls and see a small old woman sitting at a desk at the end of the hall.

"May I help you?" She says with a old crumpled like voice.

"I'm looking for Mystique?" She points to a door and you walk into it, the room is neat and proper like a vintage French household. You sigh and walk into the room sitting on the bed, she wasn't in there but she must be on her way. The room was littered with little stuffed dolls and tinker toys too young for her. You sigh and the wooden door opens. She gasps when she sees you. 

"Y/N?" She says confused on why you showed up.

"You didn't think I'd leave you hanging, did you?" She giggles and you smile.

"Why are you here though?" 

"Well, I wanted to see a friend and wondered what it was like here." Mystique sighs and tilts her head a little. 

"It's not the most beautiful."

"I saw. What's with the old lady at the front?"

"That's Eliza's mother, the reason I go to school." You raise your eyebrows and nod. 

"Huh, who would of thought?" Mystique nods.


"Well how are you? How are the bullies?" She sighs again.

"Same old same old..." 


"Eh." She stands up and opens the window looking outside letting light into the muggy room. "It's never the good things that happen to kids like us... nobody wants grown kids... nobody wants hurt kids... nobody wants kids that don't need fixing... even if they can't see we all need it." You were surprised at how emotional she was getting, maybe she just seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't get this emotional but this, it almost made you get choked up. 

"It's alright, hon." You wrap an arm around her shoulders. "You'll get through it, and I'm still here if you need me. So's Mark too." She smiles a little but it fades quickly. You get up and head to the doors. "Speaking of Mark, I should be going, but don't worry. I'll see you again, I promise." with that you left feeling a little guilt leaving her like that. 

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