Chapter 21 (Pink)

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You are starting a new day, it's Friday and that means the weekend is right around the corner. You sit alone in your nurses station. A small knock is heard on your door. You go and answer it and there is that young boy you saw before. He looks the same age as Mystique but maybe a little older. 

"What's your name, young boy?" You say looking through the files.

"It's Roy." He says calmly and motionlessly. You tilt your head up and nod looking through files and finding his folder. 

"You look a lot older than your age." You smile a little and he doesn't, he just walks over to the sink and gets glass of water. "You alright hon?" He shrugs his shoulders and walks back. 

"I just need my medications." He holds his hand out and under the hoodie he wears you see a few scratches on his wrist. You sigh and give him his pills patting his head. 

"It'll get better hon." He looks at you like you have no idea what's going on and honestly you didn't.

"No it won't..." As he leaves you hear him whisper; "It never does..." You sigh and sit down at your desk putting away files. 

After lunch you sit at your desk and hear another knock at the door, softer this time. Mystique walks in, not as hurt as yesterday but has some new cuts. You put the bandages on her carefully. 

"Tell me what's happening, Mystique. I don't want you getting hurt." She looks away from you and you go in front of her view crouching down to her view. "I don't bite." Mystique sighed and turned to you. You smiled and took her hands softly. 

"Well... Don't tell the orphanage, but there are these three girls who are bullying me... Really badly... I've fallen in my grades and the only reason I'm allowed to school is because I'm smarter than the others. If it wasn't for that I'd never meet anyone... Not you, not Mark, not Roy-" she covered her mouth and you smiled. 

"It's alright, I don't tell." She smiles a little and pushes up her glasses. 

"Well, the girls kinda got me today." And yesterday...

"How long has this happened honey?" 

"For a year I'd say now." You tilted your head out of words. "But it's okay..." 

"No it's not honey. Who are these girls?" 

"Well..." She told you the names of the girls and sighed a little ashamed for tattling. You hug her lightly.

"It's not tattling if you don't get caught. We can fix this together." She hugs you back tighter and you smile letting her go. 

"Thank you, Y/N." She smiles and head out in her adorable Markiplier hoodie. 

The last bell rang and you went home to find no Mark? You expect him recording but he wasn't there? No phone answer? nothing... Mark never did things like this to you because he knew you'd worry. You go sit in your room and take off your attire switching into normal clothes and he walks in the room, bright oink suspenders and mustache glowing on him. You jump a little, from him startling you. 

"Oh! Wilford, pleasure um seeing you here." You step back. 

"I'm not here to fight sweetheart." You pause and look him up and down, no weapons, no hidden guns. "I'm here to talk." 

"Really? The Wilford Warfstache just wants to Talk?" You chuckle. "Likely story." He growls and clenches a fist but then sits on the bed patting the seat next to him calmly. You obviously refuse and he sighs tilting his head. 

"Fine, well even if you don't believe me can we talk?" You nod a little and he smiles. "that's better. Now, why does Mark love you? Has he even told you?" You think about it and he hasn't... He never said why he loved you. But that didn't matter, did it? 

"It doesn't matter." 

"Did he ever really save you or himself?" You growl and push him back. 

"Mark is a good person! I know it! You're lying!" He smirks.

"Say what you will, ma'am. But you never know, it could be fake..." With that he faded to Mark. You step back out of the room and run downstairs. 

He's actually got a point and that scared you... That really scared you...

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now