Chapter 26 (Hide And Seek)

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(A/N I AM SO SORRY for not uploading the past two days, I've had a lot to do this week because it's almost my birthday! For my couple of friends that read my stories on here thank you! And for everyone that reads this and has supported me along the way I must thank you all! I will make up for the missed chapters though, maybe not fully tonight but I will make up for them I promise)

You look around, it's dark, darker than before, laughing fills the air as all the lanterns blow out but yours.

"The rules are simple, you will be given two minutes to find a hiding place. Your lantern will turn green when time's up then immediately blow out giving you a fair chance. If I cannot find you, you can keep your precious Mark and his personalities. But If not..." All of the lanterns glow ablaze and almost catch you. "You'll be gone as fast as him." He laughs and you hear ticking in the air. You run, fast. It was too dark to see much but you recalled a few turns. You stop at the fork in the road and shine your lantern in front of the signs.




You run down Dark's path unknowingly and make it to the end, three more paths follow.


"I see you..."


You look carefully at these, he could be lying, you could be immediately caught at the hidden. You run down the smile path, it was the only that didn't make sense. You ran and you hear a louder tick. Laughing fills the air again. 

"Thirty seconds girly..." You run faster, tears drying to your cheeks in fear. You make it to the end, dead end with nothing but bare boxes. You look inside them and find a stone and a stick. You use your brain and panic ramming it against the wall trying to escape. It opens a door in the wall, you run behind it and find yourself in a room with cameras at every angle but where you were. You hide down below and sit there. You lantern turns green and blows out. The cameras were switching from side to side slowly. If you moved at all they'd see you. You stayed still and covered your mouth.

"Ready or not..."





A loud ram on the wall. 

"COME!" You hold your breath and hold the lantern close scared to do anything. All you heard was loud Irish screaming and curses whilst holding your breath.

They got close.

Then they vanish. 

The ticking returns and you feel your lantern glow a flame and hold it a little away from you.

"You win," Anti appears in front of you. "you're lucky though, I didn't think to put a camera here." You slowly stand and he gets closer to you pinning you to the wall.

"Watch your back girly..." You take a breath and feel yourself fall onto the ground as Mark shakes you awake. 

"Y/N!" You pause regaining yourself and then wrap your arms around Mark.

"Mark, are the others okay?!" 

"I'm fine, are you okay!" You just calm yourself and him and hug him tighter.

"I'm fine." He walks with you up to your room and you sit down. He hugs you and sits next to you.

"I'm scared Mark..." He turns to you and wraps an arm around you. "So many people, fans, personalities want us a part or dead, I don't know what to do Mark." He sighs and hold you close, you rest your head on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine, I swear." You smile and kisses his shoulder. He kisses your head and you giggle a little. You slowly drift asleep on his shoulder and he sets you to sleep. He crawls into bed with you and cuddles up to you, you both fall asleep rather quickly but you were together.

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