Chapter 32 (What If?)

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Mark rushes after you as you jump into his car, speeding down the street with Mark just closing his door you hear loud beeping in your ear like a hospital heart monitor. You shook it off and kept driving, you needed to get to Jack's house. Mark was half leading you when you finally made it. Mark rested his hand on your shoulder trying to keep you calm but it just didn't line up, none of this did! 

You rushed inside and Mark tried to rush after you. You ram in through the unlocked door and Jack runs up to you holding a loaded pistol. You step back a little and he growls. 

"Wait.. Y/N?" He puts the gun to his side and Mystique runs out and hugs you. 

"I heard what you said Rory.." He pauses and stiffens. 

"I'm not Rory." He pauses. "Anti Is." You sigh and pick Mystique up. 

"None of us are safe right now, Sean. Tell me what happened, how this all started. If I die now I'd at least like to do it knowing the story." Jack sighs and sits back keeping his pistol near to him. You and Mark sit close to him and Mystique stays standing. 

"It all started on a VidCon trip. Me and Anti were one person, he was feeding off fear of the people there which made me more weak compared to him. Why I cursed a lot more then. I wasn't really trying to hurt anyone but when he got strong enough he sort of became his own person. Like a shadow you can never get rid of. He got married with a fan, putting on an innocent Rory mask and this fan was going to be his ticket on getting stronger. But then I found you..." He looks down in guilt and you look up with the same look. Mark wraps his arm around you carefully. He was right though, you did love Mark. 

"What do you mean by you found her?" Mark said a little Dark in his voice that made you smile. 

"I loved you, Y/N... You were beautiful, modest, kind and knew almost everything about me and Mark." You blush glowingly and look back at Mark. 

"You were my best friend and always were, Sean. Through a screen I felt like you were my best-est friend and that I could count on you for everything, you really were that."

"But you love Mark! Which got on my nerves when I found out, Anti made a deal with me that I feel terrible and selfish for taking. If I got you he could have anyone in his way." You let go of Mark and he lets go of you.

"I do love Mark, but Jack, I love you too just in a different way. You're still always going to be my friend just Mark is who I gave my heart to." Now it was their turn to blush. You sigh and Mystique taps your shoulder. You turn to her. "Yes Mystique?" Behind her was Anti. You couldn't tell how long he had been there but he was steaming. 

"I'm not loosing this deal, Sean!" He grabs you and pushes you towards Jack. He grabs Mystique and grips her tightly. You go to attack him and save her but he tightens his grip. "Stay!" You sit back next to Jack. Mark gets up slowly and you can see the color practically melt off of him. His eyes were a blood red and he walked up to Anti. "Oh please not this stuck up sucker!" Anti growls at Dark. Dark growls and pushes him against the wall as Mystique falls to the floor. Anti groans and stands charging at Dark. Dark glitched out of the way which confused you. Only Google can glitch that much, when you noticed the giant G on his chest. The G was dark red though and glitching intensely as if he caught a virus. Google and Dark were fighting for you and they were pissed. 

"This is what happens when you leave it to someone else. If you want it done right you should just do it yourself." Anti yells at Jack smirking. He swings his fist right into Mark's chest. He flies back into the wall leaving blood dripping from his mouth and coughing spurts coming in rapid gasps. He stands quickly though. 

"Jack your pistol!" Jack tosses it but Anti catches it. 

"Please, it won't be that easy." Anti points the gun at Mark and you get up quickly going to attack him, but when he shoots nothing comes out but a trickle of water. That's when you both notice the pink mustache on the side. Mark raises the gun. 

"It was an accident, I swear." He shoots the real pistol right into Anti's forehead. You stand there shocked and shaking. You fall to your knees. Jack's eyes were wide and your Mark rushes over to you. So much had just happened in so little time. Mark hugged you tightly. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N..." Mark says and you hug him back.

"No it's my fault." Jack says looking down. "I'm sorry." You slowly rise to your feet and hug Mystique. 

"Let's just go home and talk about it later okay?" They all nod. 

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