Chapter 8 (Google?)

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You felt your fingers twitch as a shocking sensation rolled over your shoulders and arms. He ran his hands up and down your arms.

"My primary objective is to please you, Y/N... Secondary objective is to destroy anyone in my way..." He purred lowly into your ear. You flinched and pulled away from him falling onto the chair where he was sitting in front of the camera. He quickly pushed you against the wall behind the camera and smirked glitching every few seconds. With every glitch and hitched breath sent slight shocks into you making you more and more afraid. You tore away from him and ran into the kitchen for a weapon or something. 

"Give me Mark back!" You yelled at Googleplier. He smirked and took slow but large steps toward you. You searched the kitchen for something anything to fight back with. You didn't want to hurt him but you needed Mark back one way or another. You finally found some rope in a cabinet. You held it tight and ran toward him gripping his arms but before you could do anything you felt yourself begin to twitch... glitch. He smirked and turned to face you.

"My primary objective has been achieved. My new primary objective is to destroy anyone in my way." He broke away in a quick flash. Google reached for the rope in your hands but you pulled it away with more glitch to follow. 

"P-primary objective?" You stuttered out. His eyes softened and he nodded. He fell down and color returned to his cheeks. He stood up and wrapped his arms around you.

"No! Y/N don't listen to him!" There was the voice you knew, that was Mark. But you didn't hear much more when you fainted from the pure shock of it all and the glitches surging through your body.

Your dream was more interesting than reality though.

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