Chapter 50 (The End)

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You wake up angry as ever, you called out of work to pick up Mark. But you were mad at him. You checked his feed and yet another picture of now HIM KISSING THAT GIRL. You were beyond mad. You get dressed and head to the car refusing to talk at all on the way to the airport. You get to the airport and see him and he has a smug grin. Sickening he thinks he can just smile after something so sinister.

"Hey Y/N!" He says gleefully. You growl a little and walk up to him.

"Car. Now." You say immediately turning around and walking to the car. You sit in the drivers seat and begin driving him home. He looks concerned.

"What's wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?" You don't move your glare.

"So, how's Alex?"

"What? Oh right, VIP passes. She's good actually."

"Really? Really? VIP passes? That's the best you've got?"

"What do you mean she's just-"

"I don't want to hear it. Mark I can't believe you would cheat on me!" Tears started brim your eyes. You were mad but sad at the same time. You were given the best gift you could receive but now he threw it away through heartbreak. You growled and he paused.

"I never cheated on you-"

"Really then why were always blocking me out with fans?"

"Because my fans are everything, they need me."

"Oh yeah, my fans this, my fans that. You can't always use that as your excuse Mark." You say purely out of anger. Mark takes in a steady gasp and looks down in defeat.

"I'd never hurt you.. I promised that."

"Well you sure broke your promise and yet your still lying to me. You know what?" You pull over to the side of the road. "Get out."


"You heard me. Get out." You look at him rage in your eyes finally deciding to turn your head toward him.

"Y/N.." He carefully gets out of the car and stares at you. "It's not what you-" before he can finish you slam the door on him and continue driving.

"I can't believe he would do such a thing and then try to make me forgive him just like that..." You sigh and sit back in your seat, the high way going by rather faster than you thought and now you realized what Jack had said.

Can you really trust him?

Could you?

Your eyes were now dripping tears as you took turns down the road. Lights from LA were starting to shine and made your tears glitter your cheeks. You sigh and look down at the wheel, by now you knew where you were going but weren't sure if you wanted to go there anyway.

You sigh knowing you have to and follow car after car until you reach Mark's house. It fills you with hate and sadness when you start packing a bag to leave. You were beyond upset by now. You finish packing a back and head downstairs. You hug Chica and walk up to the kitchen to leave a note but before you can write it there's a knock on the door.

You set your bag down expecting Mystique at the door which she was. She entered the house and looked at you, she had a guilty look on her face not that she did anything but that she knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong mom?" You sigh and smile knowing she can say mom without getting flustered now. You sigh and give her a hug.

"Go to your room Mystique, you're not in trouble just.. it's time for bed." Before she gets a chance to say anything she nods and goes to her room trying not to make the situation worse. You see Roy and his brother drive off and see another car pull it. A familiar face in the drivers seat.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now