Chapter 27 (Wait Mystique was...)

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You wake up in Marks arms and smile warmly, you set up, so much has happened yesterday and here you were like it never happened. Here you were, in your boyfriends arms tired, a dog on top of you and you were getting ready for work. How could you just do this without even the slightest thought of yesterday? Maybe because you didn't want to think about it? Maybe because of some other reason your brain would make up? You didn't know. 

You head to the car and drive down the roads, you stop at a red light and look around, nobody was there. It was dark and the stars were still falling out of the sky to bring up the sun. You sighed and drove when it turned green. You made your way to the school and parked in the lot. You walked into your office to find Roy there already, his eyes were slightly red like he had been crying but he wasn't. He sat there stone faced as if nothing happened and everyone pushed you toward him.

"Roy! What happened?" You run up to him once getting a chance. He sighs and holds out his arms that scraped and twisted. It was broken out of it's socket and you didn't honestly want to look at it. He sighed. 

"I broke my arm on the way here, it's nothing really." He acted like this happened often and the way this school was you'd believe that. 

"Oh my god you need a hospital!" The word hospital made his eyes widen and narrow a little.

"No. I'm not going to a hospital." You pause and tilt your head slightly.

"But you need medical attention, Roy, your arm has been ripped from it's socket." 

"Then fix it here, you were once part of a hospital so you can do it yourself." You pause and reach to his broken arm feel where the bone is broken, you held back a groan of disgust but slowly added pressure to it not to hurt him much. He flinches a little and you pause. You grab some medicine and hand it to him.

"This should ease the pain but this is gonna hurt, take this." He quickly downs it with a few doubts but does so anyway. 

"It's fine, just do it and get it over with." You sigh and close the door. 

"You really trust me?"

"More than my own parents ma'am." 


"That's another story for another time." 

"Fair point." You close the door behind you and grab the gauze in the room. You grab a steak and put it in the gauze. "Take a deep breath and count up by fives." He holds his breath and does so as you push against  the spot pushing it into place. You hear a few clicks and quickly wrap it with gauze. He flinches and lets go of his breath with a low.

"40..." You pause and sit next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Well I just got my arm shoved back into place so yeah I'm completely fine." He says with a slight tone of sarcasm which you pick up and smile a little. You sigh and stand helping him up and tying up his arm better. 

"Take care of yourself and I'd like to talk to you tomorrow okay?" 

"Alright, you have a deal." He walks out of the office and leaves you to your work. You finish your work and head out to the orphanage to see Mystique. You walk into the orphanage and see her. She standing under a large woman's shadow. She's giving her a large bag and a pile of papers. You walk up to the woman and Mystique. 

"Um what are you doing, ma'am?" She turned to you and was far uglier than her voice was.

"Oh please madame. I'm taking my new daughter to a better home." Mystique gave you a fake smile and you picked up the papers. 

"That can't be right, you haven't filled out the papers yet." The woman groaned.

"I was going to do it tomorrow." You snarl a little and she steps back. "What do you have a problem with me adopting this one?" 

"She's not up for adoption yet, I am her doctor and she isn't in the right order to be taken right now." You lie right through your teeth. Mystique gives a fake cough sorta catching on. The lady sighs and gives you the papers. She walks away and growls. Mystique sets down the bunch of stuff in her hands with a groan. 

"Thank you Y/N." 

"Who was that?"

"Someone trying to adopt me, why is it that the only people that want kids my age all just want us to be primp or proper. I just want to chill and watch Markiplier or read you know." You nod and laugh a little.

"Who were your original parents anyway?" She turns away. 

"A man named Rory Smith and his girlfriend Tory Silver." You widen your eye.

"Rory.. Smith?" She nods. 

"I ugh... I have to go. I'll be back though." You run as fast as you can to your car and drive home running inside and to Mark to tell him.


"What is it Y/N?" You were out of breath, rapidly breathing.

"Mystique is Rory's abandoned daughter." 

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now