Chapter 3 (Room mates?)

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Warning!!!-Darkiplier is in this chapter, maybe not for the whole time but is in this chapter. There will be gore so if you do not care for that skip this chapter. Thanks!

You get up the next morning and make your way to the hospital. Mark is in a wheel chair waiting for you at the front door, it was cute. He was in a messy flannel shirt and jeans that had been ripped and torn. Rory walks out a little scared and runs to you his eyes widening.

"Y/N! What are you doing?! The boss is so mad at you!" Rory spat out quiet enough for Mark not to hear.

"I'm fine, just helping a friend okay. Don't worry Rory." You say patting his shoulder lightly. It made him smile and calm down a little. You walked over to Mark and brought him to your car, since you worked at the hospital they gave you a ramp for him to get in with. He trusted you and that made you feel good. Through the days you guys had talked and by now he believed you were good, a really good person. It felt good to know that. You helped him into the car and he sat down in the passenger seat.

"Thank you, Y/N... This means a lot." He looked at you his mocha eyes just glowing. You close the door and walk to your side sitting down. 

"It's nothing Mark, really, don't worry..." You place a hand on his and begin driving home. 


When you reach your house you look at it then back at Mark. You sighed, feeling slightly embarrassed since your house was kinda small. Mark looked at you and smiled.

"Don't worry, Y/N, it's okay." He whispered kindly to you. You felt nice knowing he cared this much.

"Thanks..." You open the door to your car and help him out. You smile walking up to your house and pushing him up to the doorway. You open the door and help him inside.

"Well, sorry for the clutter but here we are." You giggle a little to yourself. You, a fangirl, were living with THE Markiplier, a famous youtuber!

"Don't worry, it's better than my place." Mark chuckles to himself and wheeled himself to your living room. It was adorable seeing him scoot around your house in his wheelchair. You walked into your living room and sat down in a chair next to Mark. It was nice, you had never thought being with someone famous would be this calm and nice. He wasn't judging anything and he wasn't acting like a diva, that was nice. He was just being himself, calm and collected, but still adorable Mark. You look over at him and can't help but stare, this is just one of the most amazing things a fangirl like you could ask for.



You look at the clock and realize it's late, you nudge Mark and he looks at you sweetly.

"I think it's time for bed Mark." You smile softly. "I don't have a quest room and my couch wouldn't be good for you. You can sleep in my room and I'll stay out here, is that okay Mark?" 

"Y/N," he starts, his mocha eyes twinkling. "You don't have to, I could even sleep in this." 

or we could sleep together... You thought to yourself but immediately shooed it away. But then he spoke. "Y/N if you want to, I don't want to sound like a perv, we can sleep together?" He tilted his head and you couldn't help but blush. 

"S-sure, sure that sounds fine." You smile in your words. You help him to your room and wheel him to the bed. You pick him up and put him on the bed.

"I should probably change, Y/N." He sighs. 

"Do you need help? Since your casts of course." You blush but see Mark blush and turn away too.

"Just to get my shirt off, Y/N." You blush more in his words. 

"Okay, Mark." You begin to pull at the buttons on his flannel until it's undone. You pull it off like a jacket on him careful not to hurt him. You can't help but gaze over his muscles, you blush heavier and look away. He lays down and smiles.

"Thanks, Y/N." He says cheerfully. 

"No problem, Mark." You grab some pajamas and go change. (A/N okay Darkiplier comes in here)

You begin to undress yourself and here... Walking in the room with Mark? How? He's the only one their and he can't walk! You pull on at least your shirt so it's long enough to cover your underwear, and rush out of the room. 

"Mark!" You say cautiously. He looks at  you frantically.

"Y/N... Don't walk any closer." You were scared, really scared. What was happening? But then you felt someone touch your hip. You quickly pull yourself away from it. You turn to see someone in a fancy tux unbuttoned to look so much better. His grey skin tone and dark hair just made him look more terrifying. Darkiplier.

"Hello, Dark." You say growling in your words.

"Oh, so you know who I am? Then you know why I'm here." He quickly wraps an arm around you and covers your mouth. "Join me, or he'll need more than a cast." You start to get really worried. You try to reach out to Mark but feel something hard hit you on the head before everything goes kinda blank. What happened?!

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