Chapter 12 (Rear View Mirrors)

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You were still kinda scared of what had happened with Anti but it didn't stop you from helping Mark. You carefully sit down with Mark your heart still racing from what just happened.

He'll kill you... It just kept echoing in your head but you refused to believe it. Mark tiredly rested his head on your shoulder. 

"Thank you, Y/N." He said tiredly slowly falling asleep. You carefully got up and set Mark down on the couch trying not to wake him. As much as you wanted to stay there you needed to get groceries. You make it out the door quietly and make your way to your car, there were no signs of Jack seeing your car or that psycho fan girl. You slip into the car and check your mirrors as the car starts, nothing. You start driving to the store and feel yourself just kinda melt into realization after all that's happened, this was a lot. A demon is living in your house in the form of someone you love and they love you but so many others, millions, want you dead because of it. You sigh and pull into the parking lot.

You get out of the car and grab a cart going through the store. You pick out a few of your favorite foods and some essential needs. You get to the checkout and see Rory! You smile and wave at your friend  but he doesn't say anything. You couldn't tell if he noticed you or not but when you looked again he was gone. You shrug it off and take your bagged items to your car and hop into the drivers seat starting it up. You look into the mirrors and look into your rear view mirror and see Rory standing there with a scalpel in his hand. You try to drive away but can't. He slashed your tires. You locked the car and called Mark, why would Rory do this?! 

"Rory what the hell!" You yell at him over the call, Rory growled and banged his fist on the window.

"He's mine! Y/N he's mine!" He growls and bangs his fist on the window again. He growls yelling through the glass breaking your mirror. The glass begins to crack, you yip a little at the sound of it. You trudge to the other side and hop out running into the store. The manager runs out towards you.

"Ma'am are you okay?" He says carefully. 

"No someone's trying to kill me!" You yell running to the back of the store. You sneak from isle to isle listening for Rory's boots clamp on the floor. They seemed to be coming from everywhere until two arms wrapped around you. You almost scream until someone hugs you pulling you into an isle. You look at their face and smile.

"Dark?" You smile but he doesn't respond looking at where you were and Rory who walks right to it. You are pulled by him into another isle. The manager is now nowhere to be found. Rory then jumped in front of you and stabs you right in the arm. He growls and you scream pulling your arm back, of course it was right where the other girl had stabbed you. Dark holds your arm carrying you to the end of the hallway.

"Leave her alone Mark..." Rory hissed. Dark's eyes went from your wound to him.

"Leave us alone... If you were really my fan you'd want me to be happy." He holds you closer. He held your arm as blood trickled onto the floor, that same blade fell to the floor. He charged at him screaming like the lunatic he was. You were scared for not only yourself but for Mark.

"Is it going to end like this?" You said looking up into Mark's eyes. Mark, now Mark, was himself and you knew it. You held you close as the collision impacted and with that he pressed a soft kiss on your cheek as he whispered;

"I'll protect you..."

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