Chapter 47 (VidCon)

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The next day you and Mark wake up early, you had to drop off Mark at the airport soon. You watched him finish packing his bag and then ran up and hugged him giving him a sweet kiss, he smiles and kisses back sweetly. You smiled and pulled off slowly.

"I'm going to miss you Mark."

"I'll miss you too, but just keep track of my feed."

"Duh." He laughs a little and hugs you.

"I love you, Y/N." 

"I love you too." He heads out to the car and you drive him to the airport. Within little time he was on a plane to VidCon. You went back home and kept your notifications on. It was quiet in the house and you just sat there cuddling Chica. You checked your feed and saw Mark getting in his room and hanging out with some fans. But you saw a girl with him. You felt like you recognized her but you weren't sure... She felt so familiar and the more you watched the more you saw Mark hang around her and give her so much attention. You were oddly suspicious. What was he doing? What was he thinking? 

You mentally slapped yourself, Mark would never cheat on you, she's probably a fan with a VIP pass. It just didn't add up, Mark was with this girl in so many videos and images. She was always so close to her. It didn't add up... Your envy was bubbling. But you trusted Mark. But this made Jack's words oddly clear, honestly could you trust Mark? No you trust Mark. Jack did terrible things and that could have been Anti talking. You trust Mark, and you know he loves you.

You spent the rest of the day hanging out with Mystique and keeping an eye on Mark. But then went to sleep.

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