Chapter 23 (Mark Is...)

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It was a lazy Sunday the next day, pretty calm and nice. Cold outside and foggy but soon enough the sun shined in. You sit up in bed but Mark wasn't next to you, walking around the house, no Mark. You didn't really mind, it could be one of his personalities or just him going to get something from the store. 

You make a cup of your favorite drink and take a sip, sitting by the door. You sigh and look out the window, tugging your pajama shirt straight and unwrinkling it. You just sit there and listen to the silence for a while, it reminds you of what it was like before Mark. Calm, quiet, and nobody was really there. Besides of course friends and family back then but now you can't even trust some of your closest friends. 

You go into the living room and turn on the TV, watching the news. Calm day even on the news. Bright sun light made you squint while opening the blinds, but then the news man said something that made you turn your head. Chica hopped on the couch and you sat next to her confused and pet her slowly. 

"We have breaking news from the LAPD. A young man has been found harmed beyond recognition." He pauses as someone gives him more papers and he tugs on the collar of his shirt. "The man has been identified as Mark Edward Fischback. He has also been now found missing, leaving a dark mark on the sidewalk as only evidence. He... He vanished off the face of the Earth. Mark is... Gone." 

You cover your mouth in awe, Chica looks up to you as the phone goes off, three different phones go off. You pick up all three quickly, Jack is on Mark's cell he left in the kitchen, Ethan is on your cell and Mark's parents are on the home phone. 

"What happened!" They all yell at once. You pause and put Jack and Ethan on hold.

"I don't know, Mr and Mrs Fischback but Mark is gone right now. It's all I can say." You end the call and you pick up Ethan. 

"Is Mark going to be okay? Come on Y/N you have to know something." 

"Even if I did it wouldn't help.." You end that call too. You pick up the last call, Jack. 

"What the bloody hell happened! Y/N you better give me some real answers!" You sigh and take a deep breath.

"I don't know Jack... I just... I don't know..." You hang up about to cry but wipe your eyes going into Mark's recording room and turning on his camera, someone needs to tell his fans he'll be okay. This kind of news will spread like wild fire through the fans. You click record and begin speaking.

"Hello all of Markiplier's fans and haters. I know not all of you like me, some of you hate me, but I'm here to talk to you guys." The camera was set on live stream to YouTube so comments were flooding in about your wake up appearance but when you said that they stopped. "I need you all to know that we don't know what happened to Mark, I know it's hard for you fans and it's hard for me. But we are going to find Mark. We have too..." Tears start to stream down your cheeks and comments flood in giving you hope and confidence. You wipe your eyes and give a weak smile. "I'm going to get Mark back. Even if it's the last thing I do." You end the video and get up, you grab some clothes to change into in the car and hurry out the door. 

Something happened to Mark and you had no clues to where he could be or what even happened. You kept the news playing in the background but then you got another call, it was Mystique. You put her on speaker and keep driving trying to get to the spot he disappeared. 

"Is Mark going to be okay? Are you going to be okay?" She says worriedly. 

"I don't know Mystique, but all we can do right now is hope. Find the other fans of your friends and tell them that it'll be okay." You hang up and she goes to find some fans of her school. You sigh and pull up to the black spot. It was cracked in the center with red and blue colors fixing into a certain shape your recalled. Mark was still missing but you at least had a clue. 

You were going to save Mark, you made a promise and you were going to keep it.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now