Chapter 45 (Jenna)

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You wake up to a text, odd, nobody really texts you this morning. Or at all honestly unless something big happened. 

"Ugh.. go back to bed... Y/N..." Mark groaned as you got up and looked at the text.

"Good Morning, Ms. L/N. This is Eliza, the teachers have told me you have helped the needs child named Jenna is this correct?" You felt a little angered of her calling Jenna a "needs" child.

"Yes." You reply. It takes a moment which you take to get dressed for her to text back. 

"She is much like Mystique, abandoned by her father who joined the war, she's a student I foster. But of course don't have much time for. How did you help her? I see her as a daughter and I want what's best for her.." That took a turn you didn't expect.

"We should talk in person." You reply.

"Okay, see you at school." Mystique walks in shoving books into her bag and ready for school. 

"Let's go!" She giggles. Mark covers his ears with his pillow. 

"Wake me up when... you.. -yawn- get the tea sir..." He says sleepily. You giggle and ruffle his fluffy red hair. He was adorable and you couldn't help but blush at it. He nuzzled the pillow and you swear you could hear him whisper your name. You smiled and lead Mystique to your car. 

You get to school and Mystique walks inside and to class. You teach your first hour class and Jenna brings you a cute little paper flower. You smile and let her put it in your hair.

"Thank you, Jenna!" You say smiling. "Don't worry I won't let anyone pick on you." She smiles and hugs you running to her seat. Everyone else seemed more laid back which made you glad. You lead the rest of the classes with ease, even the one with the snobby girls in it. Now it was time to talk to Eliza.

You both meet in the teachers lounge to talk. She was sitting at the main table, drinking a cup of coffee and looking through her phone. You grabbed yourself something to drink and sat next to her. She held no expression but you sighed.

"Well you can start off with a hello." You smile. 

"Oh, Ms. L/N." 

"It's Y/N."

"Okay, Y/N. How do you make my daught- Jenna happy?"

"Show her you care for her, have fun with her, let her know she doesn't have to be some serious face child who has to forget her past."

"But how do I do that?" Jenna walks in the room and sees her. She walks in holding her bag close and sighs. 

"Hello, mom." She says softly. 

"Hello, Jenna."

"Smile." You whisper to her. Eliza gives a sweet smile to Jenna who giggles and smiles too.

"Can we talk?" Jenna says.

"Of what?" 

"Are you going to adopt me?" She said carefully choosing her words but it all came out anyway.

"I want to.." before she could finish Jenna hugged her.

"Thank you." She says smiling. Eliza widens her eyes but then hugs back sweetly. 

"Thank you Jenna." You sneak out the door and take Mystique home. You drive home and see Mark in the living room dressed but still with fluffy hair. You all hang out like a family, you cuddle Mark and Mystique plays around and texts Roy. It was nice. Mark held his sweet smile and soft kisses on your head, Mystique let out little giggles, Chica was adorable no matter what. You were happy. 

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now