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You break away from the kiss blushing heavily, you and Mark had kissed before but this was an actual real kiss that you.. maybe kissed back in for once. He paused tilting his head without smiling like a confused puppy. You hug him and he hugs you back sending a shock up you. 

"You are my primary objective..." He whispers to you smiling. You smile to and kiss his chest, you walk outside and he follows. Trick or treaters were lining the streets now getting ready to ring doorbells for free candy and sweets. Dressed as characters and ghouls they carried items and weapons on their backs with sacks wearing funny faces. You sat in a lawn chair and grabbed a bowl full of Twix and Snickers. Google held a bowl of candy fingers and brains but life size which made you cringe a little. 

"This is nice," Google says smiling. A trio of girls walk up that look oddly familiar, they are all wearing some animal outfit that shows to much skin and fur where there isn't. You sigh and begin to stand to give them candy but Google stops you, standing up instead. He walks up to the girls who are snickering at your costume. One blows a kiss to Google which he snarls at.

"Trick or treat, hon~." They say almost in sync. Google throws a gooey gummy brain at them which makes you laugh as the sticky sugar fake blood squirts on their costumes. They quickly leave and Google sits back down saying one word.

"Trick." You snort hearing that little pun. He smiles and chuckles a little. 

"After this, there is a new haunted house for adults and teens if you wanna go?" You say to him scrolling through your phone. He nods and smiles. 

"Sure, I've seen many good reviews." You roll your eyes laughing a little. The sky grows dim and more kids take candy one by one. Then another familiar girl comes up, that girl from the store with the Markiplier hoodie. She doesn't come up with anyone and if wearing a worn down cat costume and dress. You smile and hand her a handful of candy.

"Where's your parents honey?" You smile softly, she stutters trying to think of an excuse. "Don't lie to me." 

"I um... I don't have any..." She says softly. You sigh and look at Google who is busy giving candy to some other kids who walked up. You pat her ears and give her more candy. 

"It's alright, honey. What's your name?" She stutters again thinking of words.

"M-Mystique..." You crouch down to her height.

"You don't have to be scared of me Mystique, and you have a beautiful name." You smile and she takes a deep breath, calming down. 

"I'm a big fan of Mark's and was wondering if I could get in one of his Halloween vlogs?" You giggled and tapped Google's shoulder. He turns around and smiles. 

"Mystique wanted to know if she could be in a video?" You smile and whisper in his ear. "She's an orphan, at least put her in the intro, please Google." You smile and he nods pulling out Mark's camera. The G stops glowing letting you know it's Mark now. He smiles and hugs Mystique. 

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier! I'm here with my adorable little fan, what's your name!" She smiles with glee and hugs Mark back.

"I'm Mystique!" He chuckles softly. 

"Yay! Are you a veteran fan?" She nods and giggles. You smile watching and see an older nasty looking woman with a bunch of kids who definitely aren't hers walk up. Mystique turns and sighs. 

"Bye Mark, and thank you Y/N..." Mark ends the video and hugs you. You smile as she leaves but also feel a little guilt. 

Time passes and the night finishes to a dark night. You turn to Mark who is holding an empty bowl. 

"Ready to go, hon?" He nods and gets up, you both get in the car and leave to the epic haunted house. When you get there the line is huge. The house is bigger though. Blood splattered on the walls and spiders crawling on wire up and down the walls. Cobwebs and the sound of chain saws and banging on doors echoed through the neighborhood. You walked passed a window and someone rammed their head against the bars making you jump into Mark's arms. He chuckles softly and holds you tightly. 

"Don't worry hon." He says soothingly protecting like. You two get in line but a handful of people in line let you budge because of Mark's fame, which made you feel a little guilt for going in front of all these people. But Mark felt it too but they wouldn't refuse. You got to the front of the line in no time and Mark bought the tickets. You two enter the house and start off with terrifying scares. 

A bloody clown jumps out clawing the walls and throwing blood down the halls, then you crawl into a small hall with headless mice hitching next to you and screeching noises in your ear. An Alice in Murderland themed room appeared with a bloody Alice holding a head of a white rabbit and a queen of hearts holding a blade to her neck. Mark held you close and smiled, not getting completely scared of it but you were terrified. You go into a dark room with no lights just strobe every few meters that didn't light up the twists and turns. People ran across the floors rubbing claws against your cheek and side. You make it out of the area but Mark doesn't follow.

You walk into an empty seemingly closed off area. A man with a hockey mask comes out with a chainsaw and hits the button on a garage to open and let you out but it doesn't open. He pulls up the mask and smirks. It was Rory and that was areal chainsaw.

"R-Rory?!" You scream, loud. Mark was nowhere in sight. Rory hit the wall with his chainsaw trapping you in the room with him. Your heart was pounding in your chest faster than the speed of his chain saw. He swung it at your head and you screamed again. You barely heard the sound of ripping when Rory fell over to crumbling dust. The only thing you saw was a glowing light from beyond the wall in bright red. Google walked into the room smiling drearily with blood covering him. You almost scream because him but can't. You fall to your knees as he pulls the garage door open with his bare hands. You hold your breath carefully.

"G-Google?" He carefully picks you up his eyes slowly fading back to brown, but it was still Google. He kissed your head softly. 

"Nobody will ever hurt you on my watch." He said and before you past out of fear and shock he said three words. "My primary objective..." 

You wake up at home only a few hours later. He smiles when he sees you awake. He hugs you and smiles. 

"You're awake." The glowing G on his bare torso made you smile. He wasn't wearing his shirt which made you blush, nice just woke up and I'm blushing over my boyfriend, sweet. He chuckles a little and lets go. You feel water drip off your cheek, Google washed the dust and fake blood off you. That was nice. You lay in bed trying to catch your breath. 

"What happened to Rory?" He shrugs. 

"Security threw him in jail for trying a stunt like that. But only for a few months since he pleaded it was a special part of the haunted house he saved for a friend." A page opens up in front of him, a news paper explaining Rory's lawsuit. You smile knowing he'll be behind bars for a while. 

"At least we're safe for a while." You pull him down into the bed next to you and kiss his head. "Thank you, Google." He smiles and wraps an arm around you.

"It's nothing... I love you, good night, and Happy Halloween." He smiles and kisses your nose. You giggle and slowly fall asleep tired in his arms. He stays up a while though before falling asleep. Thinking of something. The things Rory and Jack had said. 

Your luck will run out soon enough...

He'll kill you you know...

It made his heart sink but it wasn't him or Dark he was worried about... There was more to Mark, Dark, Google than you thought. Much more that could be so dangerous Every iplier you met so far feared you'd leave them. It was going to be that bad. But you'd have to wait and see.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now