Chapter 35 (Fan Girls, Not The Good Kind)

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The next morning was peaceful for once. It was a nice Friday, you and Mystique got up trying not to wake up Mark. It was cute seeing him grumble lightly in his sleep. Mystique walked up to your room and knocked on the door.

"I am ready for school, mo-Y/N." She stepped back a little, not really sure if she could call you that yet.

"Okay, honey, you can wait for me in the car." She smiled a little and walked to the car waiting for you. You walk up to Mark and smile fluffing his hair a little. You kiss his head and turns over.

"Have a good day, Y/N." Mark says tiredly and kisses your cheek making you blush. You head off to work with Mystique.

At the school Mystique goes to her classes and you wait in your office, let me give you a small layout of the office. You had windows leading inside the school and kind of a messy interior.

You sit back in your chair as the lunch rush finished. You take a deep breath a take a sip of some water at your desk. Roy walks in with bruises up and down his arms. He has dried tears on his cheeks but the way he walks in it seems like nothing had happened. He sighs and sits down on the small bench in your office. You turn to face him with eyes wide.

"Can I just have some Tylenol?" He says trying not to make eye contact. You sigh and roll your eyes. 

"Roy for gosh sake tell me what happened." He sighs and sits up. 

"I guess you can know the truth, after what Mystique said you did for her yesterday." You get a little flustered thinking of that. 

"Tell me Roy, please for your health." He sighs and stands.

"My parents.. they did this.. all of them." You widen your eyes.

"Does Mystique know?" 

"No... Not yet..." 

"You should really tell her, Roy." 

"Please don't tell her, she has enough demons in her life." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Follow me." He leads you behind the school to find a school fight going on beyond the other teachers. 

"Fight Fight Fight!!!" The kids chanted as you hear whimpering inside the ring. Mystique was crying inside the circle as the richest girl of the school stood above her.

"What are you going to do you little freak? Call your daddy? Or your Marki play boy?" You growl about to walk in but Roy stops you.

"Watch first." He whispers loud enough for you to hear. Mystique starts crying, and the girl laughs. 

"I bet he'd take any of us if we blew him like Y/N does or like she does." The girl pointed to Mystique. You wanted to punch this girl so hard upside the head. She growls and Mystique stands up weakly. The girl pushes her against the wall.

"Leave me alone..." Mystique whimpers.

"Say it louder then." Mystique growls against her.

"Leave me alone!" She yells. You run up to her, her eyes were blood shot and her hair was a pulls and ripped in some areas from the bullies. You hug her tightly and feel little shakes from her crying into your shoulder. 

"Mystique are you okay?"

"Look at the freaks!" The girl says. Mystique whimpers into your shoulder as the girl returns. You hold onto her tightly. 

"Let's go home." You take Roy with you, he gives you his parents numbers and you ring them up.

"Hello ma'am." 

"Hello Mystique's mother I'd presume?" 

"Correct, I'm calling about your son." 

"What did he do this time?"

"What do you mean this time?"

"Oh he's always getting into trouble we'll take care of him."

"No I'm talking about what you do to your son."

"What of it do you mean?"

"Do you harm your son?"

"What?" She was growing irritated.

"Your son comes in every day with new bruises and marks. He told me today that it was you, why? Why would you ever do this?" She growls.

"No, I would never. I love my son."

"That doesn't sound like it." 

"He does it for attention hon."

"Sure... Sure he does." 

"What do you want hon?"

"I'm giving you one day. If you hurt him one more time I'm calling the cops." 

Roy looks up to you as you hang up. You drive him home and take his hand.

"You'll be alright I promise."

"Okay Y/N..." He kisses Mystique's cheek and leaves.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now