Chapter 43 (I'm Going To Settle This)

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Mark wakes you up and you sit up tiredly getting ready for work. Mark gets ready too oddly he doesn't usually upload videos with other people on Wednesdays. He held his somewhat healed head and you walk up to him and hug him.

"You'll be okay, after work I'll talk to Jack. He's a sweet heart, just got to let him know." Mark smiled at your effort and you smiled too.

"I love you, Y/N." You blushed, you both had said it many times but you still blushed.

"I love you too." He left without words but didn't take the car oddly. You hopped in the car and drove with Mystique to school. You finished moving your stuff into the health room and sat down in your chair. You look over the room slowly and sigh ready for the kids of the school to be loud and obnoxious like you'd been told by other people. The students started filling the room, first hour was 6th graders. They sat down in nice formal clothes and sat down almost at the same time like robots which scared you. Not a sound was made except for the scrape of chairs on the floor. You knew this was a private school but jeez. 

"Good morning everyone, my name is Ms. L/N." The students nod and you start calling them for attendance. You finished and the class goes boringly by. You can't keep a smile and your day goes by bland. You did see Mystique and Roy together, holding hands and smiling. But the three girls you also had.

"Oh, lookie who we have here guys! Markiplier's lover!" One girl yelled at you. You growled and separated the three girls. It took some time to do so but it worked. They were more or less quiet more just snickering every so often. They left with petty remarks and you finished up your job. You talked to the other teachers and they were just as bland, but knew about the girls. You at least had something to talk about with them. But the other PE coaches were oddly scary. You drove Mystique home and started making food, Mark still wasn't home and you didn't see a notification of him making a video. You were getting a little suspicious but why should you. 

"I'm gonna be gone for a little when Mark gets home okay, hon?" You say to Mystique. She nods and goes up to her room with her food. You start watching TV and eat your food. After you finish Mark walks into the room, a little dizzy and hair extra floofed. You sigh and hug him. 

"Hey, Y/N." He says lowly with a slight growl or purr in the back which made you furrow your eyebrows. 

"Hey, Mark." You say confused. "I'm going to go talk to Jack, I'll be gone for a little so dinner's on the stove." You put your dishes in the sink and started driving. Beeping filled your eardrums when you pulled into the driveway but it was like it wasn't there but it was. Like a sound that vanished when you thought you were right next to it but when you felt far it sounded nearer. 

"Hello, Y/N." Jack says hugging you and kissing your cheek. You blush and push him off.

"What the hell Jack!" You growl getting really mad. He carefully puts his hands on your shoulders and walks you inside but you try your best to stop him growling and spitting in his eyes. He doesn't seemed to pleased but he keeps putting up a fight too by tightening his grip so hard it makes you cringe your arms back. You growl and stand in his house as he closes the door. 

"What the hell are you doing Jack?" You yell at him.

"Why what do you mean?" He says in a mockingly funny voice. 

"I mean you tried to hurt Mark?!" 

"Well, sort of."

"What do you mean- you know what who cares. If you're gonna be like this I don't want you in my life Jack. I tried being nice but this is out of hand. Leave. Us. ALONE!" You yell and walk outside of his house slamming the door in anger and go to your car. He runs outside and stops you before you get inside.


"What could you possibly want?"

"Let me speak please.."

"What tell me you were a jealous man who just wanted me and nothing else. I love Mark and he loves me I know he does. I know it."

"I know.. and yes I did get jealous. But I just wanted to talk to him but he got really mad and started fighting me!"

"Likely story."

"Please trust me, trust your friend."

"How can I trust someone I never even knew." You get in your car and zoom off without making eye contact. You get home and go straight to bed with only anger on your mind.

yeesh.. harsh.. but do I really know if Mark loves me, he says he does, he's done so much for me, I've done so much for him... but do I really know..?

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