Chapter 28 (If you're... then he's...)

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Mark stood back in awe but then helped you noting you were dizzy and out of breath. 

"Who even is Rory?" Mark asks you rubbing your arm caring. 

"He was my best friend for a while but I never knew he had a kid. He was married to some girl named Tory. They got a divorce but he refused to talk about it. I never really knew about his interests besides that he was the only one that didn't mind me swearing or freaking out at work. He would help cut the load and do a lot to help me but when I met you he kinda lost it." He rolled his eyes.

"Obviously." You were so confused though, Rory looked nothing like Mystique there were so many questions. 

Mystique had very dark brown hair almost black but brown enough to shimmer. She had a narrow nose and chocolate eyes dark enough to hide her pupils and a smile that could make anyone smile too. 

Rory on the other hand had pale skin, dirty blonde brown hair that was always tucked under a beanie so you couldn't see the majority of his hair. He had beautiful green eyes and one was always filled with bloody veins but he just said it was a medical condition he was getting treated for. He had a smile that kind of scared you but at the same time intimidated you. 

Tory was a bright blonde with bright blue eyes but with all this it made no sense, it was right on paper and ink but yet it seemed so unreal. Nothing matched up, and nothing really was helping you figure it out. Mark just stood there silent waiting for you to say something, surprisingly you could see just as much fear in him mirroring onto you. You sigh and hug him back.

"I need to see Rory again." 

"What do you mean he'll trick you kill you!" 

"I don't care, none of this matches up. I'm going to see him and Mystique. I'll be back." Without another word you walked out the building. 

After you drove to the courthouse you walked up to an old looking woman with a pair of purple glasses. She walked up to you and smiled.

"How may I help?"

"I'm looking for Rory W McLoughlin?" She nods and walks you back into a hall, convicts were sitting wall to wall. You finally made it, cell 237, on the right. There were claw marks on the wall and dried food left on the floor with no sign of eating. A lump lay on the bed that you presumed was Rory. You knocked on the door but to no avail did anyone answer. The lady gets a guard and goes inside carefully. The guard pokes the lump which doesn't move still. They throw the sheets off it and notice it was just a bundle of pillows. Rory escaped! 

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