Chapter 37 (Floof)

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You get out of bed slowly, it was a normal Saturday, sun shining brightly. Mark grabs you and pulls you back into bed. You blush and smile. 

"Morning hon." He smiles and says groggily.


"How about we go on a date and leave Mystique with Roy today?"

"Sounds fun." You hug him and he nuzzles your nose. You giggle and hug him tighter.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too."

After Mystique was at Roy's brothers you both stopped at the Cafe, after the fans left which kind of annoyed you he held your hand and kissed it lightly. 

"You look beautiful, Y/N."

"Oh please this is nothing and you know it." He laughs a little.

"Who said you ever didn't look beautiful?" You blush and smile.

"Thanks." He fluffs up his hair and sits back while a waitress with long blond hair and bright purple eyes brings you both your drinks. Mark makes eye contact with her and smiles.

"I'll be back, Y/N." He takes the waitress's hand and walks out of sight with her. You feel a little off but assure yourself it's nothing. He comes back with a huge grin on his face. You roll your eyes and take a sip of your coffee.

"Who was she?"

"An old friend of mine."

"What's her name?"

"Alex, one of the nicest girls I've ever met." You sigh and take another long sip. He smiles and kisses your hand again and smiles.

"What do you want to do after this?" You pause, recollecting yourself and blush a little. You stand up carefully.

"Let's just make some YouTube videos goof." He smiles.

"If that's what you want." He follows you to the car and for the rest of the day you two make videos. When Mystique got home she joined in a few videos too. When nightfall comes back you both go to sleep smiling. Today was a calm but nice day. But Mark only had nine days until he left. 

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