Chapter 2 (Are You Hurt?)

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As you begin your next day's shift you walk into Mark's room being a signed to him, thanks Rory. You smile and make it to his room, the walls seemed more gloomy and he seemed to just droop in his bed. It made you feel hurt, sad seeing someone you've loved for so long in these conditions. He let's out a soft sigh and looks at you once noticed.

"Oh hey, Y/N." Mark says roughly. 

"Hey, you feeling any better?" You say kindly. Nobody had showed up today, they all had to head home which made you feel bad for him. He just drooped down more. 

"Not quite, I'm lonely and in a lot of pain. The only person I see anymore is you and the other nurse..." He barely got out the last part until he started crying again. "I'm afraid I'm letting down my fans, I can't get videos up and they're so worried about me... I just feel more bad for them than they do for me..." His words really touched you. You took his hand and intertwined your fingers. He looked at you, blush tinting his cheeks. It was sweet, his eyes were filled with tears making them sparkle. You smiled calmly as your E/C eyes glimmered back to his. 

"I am a fan, Mark, and don't worry. I'll get you through this, don't worry." You smiled. "You're  a doctor, you know what you're doing!" You say the last line in a funny voice to make him feel better. He chuckled.

"SHUT UP NURSE! I'M A DOCTOR I KNOW WHAT'S BEST!" He yelled happily. You smiled and held his hand tighter. 

"You sure do, Mark..." You whispered quietly so he wouldn't hear. You smiled and let go of his hand walking over to sit down and sit next to him. 

"Thank you, Y/N..." He started, moving his gaze away from you. "You were there when I couldn't be there for my fans, and you're still here trying to help me, and what am I than just someone screaming over a screen, you really care and I have to thank you, Y/N thanks..." His words were so sweet, someone so famous giving you this kind of thanks, on a lower level just to you. The moment was cut short, but sweet, when your phone went off. The text was tragic.

 "It's nothing Mark... the only thing is.. The police finished looking through your car for what was left and your wallet was lost in the crash. The bank can't get money until next month. Mark you're broke..." You're words stung both of you, it had to be said but... Where could he go? He couldn't afford to be there and definitely not anymore than another day! His eyes went dull, he was to scared to speak. 

"What will I do?" He almost started crying. But you stopped him, you took his hand again. 

"Mark... This is hard saying, and I hope I don't sound like a creep; But you can stay with me, I'll pay for your bills tomorrow when you get your cast, you insurance will pay for most of it, but the rest... I'll do, you can stay with me until you are strong enough to go home. Okay?" You seemed a bit embarrassed saying it all out loud. He didn't say anything for a little which scared you. He then turned to you and smiled.

"Thank you." He placed his hand on yours this time and smiled a few tears sweeping down his cheek. "Really, thank you..." You looked at your watch and took his hand.

"It's nothing Mark. But it's time for your shots. I'll take you out tomorrow, it's alright, I swear." You watched him pass out from the pain medications and you sighed. "I love you Mark..." You kissed his forehead before you left and went home. But as you drove you just thought to yourself.

"What am I doing..?"

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now