Chapter 11 (Mine! No Mine! She's Mine!)

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As you head off to work you keep an eye out for any lingering viewers or ravage fans of Mark, that one girl really shook you up. It was a slow day, not many people going in and out of the hospital and no surgeries that day. Rory and you just kinda chilled at the hospital desk waiting for your hours to end. You had decided to tell Rory about Dark since he was a close friend and could be trusted. 

"So Dark is Mark's dark side yes?" You nod. "Then if he loves you, and Mark sorta loves you, then why aren't you two dating?" He said resting his elbow on the counter top. You shake your head and groan a little. 

"Because we want to know each other more before we make any drastic changes. We're just friends and I'm in a few videos. That's it." Rory gave you a look you couldn't read but you shrugged it off. He then turned to the computer and a flashing light filled the computer screen.

"You have a call, Y/N." He says monotonously. You nod and go behind the desk picking up the phone, a static like voice answered with a thick accent kinda hard to tell where from though through the phone.

"Where's Mark?" He said as soon as you picked up. You widen your eyes.

"Who is this? This is a busy number." You heard a chuckle.

"Don't play coy and we both know it isn't a busy number." You shrug eyeing Rory. "It's Sean or Jack. I just want to know Mark's okay and where he is I'll be coming up tomorrow to check in though it seems we might get there early. Is he still at the hospital?" Your eyes soften and your gaze stiffens off Rory.

"I'm the girl who was in one of his videos, he is staying with me right now don't worry he's in good hands." You say calmly like nothing was weird about this.

"Wait, he's staying with you?" He was rushed and shocked. Without a sound from you the call ended. You shrugged it off and waited out your shift until you went home to Mark.


 You make my way to your house and go up to the door fumbling for your key. But as you go to put your key in the lock you hear talking. You can't help but listen in. 

"Listen Mark it doesn't matter you could hurt her!" Someone yells in the room.

"I'd never we love her!" That was Dark's voice you could tell.

"You need to come back to LA Mark before something happens that you can't fix." 

"I don't care! I.. We.. I love her!" You finally open the door as Dark yells that into a familiar Anti's face. The faces turn to look at you, shocked. Dark walks out the room embarrassed and a little speechless from the argument and probably from you walking in on that talk.

"Anti?" You tilt your head closing the door. He smiles that psycho smile you remember from the videos. He slithers up to you broken like and smirks putting a hand on your neck and shoulder.

"So you're Y/N... just as beautiful as the videos..." He goes in to kiss you but you dodge and hit him in the chest running up to Dark and kind of cowering behind him. He growls at Anti and walk up to him. Anti charges toward you.

"She's mine!" Anti yells growling. Where have I heard that..? You think to yourself.

"No she's not! She's nobody's!" Dark shouts slowly turning into Mark.

"No she's mine!" Anti screams out, curses echoing in his words.

"Jack stop!" Mark now yells full strength.

"She's mine!" Jack yells. Now that voice you recognized. That was a fanboy's voice, a craze love fanboy.

"Jack stop!" You yell at him. He stops and the room grows silent. You walk up to him and with the last bit of confidence you have you grab his shoulder and push him back. "I don't belong to anybody." Mark smiles and looks at you, but you don;t return the glance. Jack growls and walks out the room with only a few sentences to leave.

"He'll kill you, you know? Dark is gonna kill both of you, Mark and Y/N... Good luck." With that he left.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now