Chapter 13 (Hospitalized Again)

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You are quickly rushed to the hospital after everything went black, the only thing though is what happened when it did go black. You were out cold for a while after impact. Mark protected you, saved you, and kissed you. 

You fall into a deep trance, you just fall out of reality and keep falling. Falling. Falling. It terrifies you at first but then you just get used to it and look around unable to move or speak. You see glimpses of people, smiling faces slowly fading away. Jack, smiling and waiting there with his headphones on slowly fades to Anti and vanishes. Rory, smiling in his work robes quickly flashes to the monster you just saw, he vanishes too. Then Mark... He just sits there normally, that dorky smile on his face, he fades to Dark who is also smiling reaching out to take your hand. You try to grab hold but you can't move. He reaches further but just can't reach you.

"Please... Y/N... Come back to us..." He whispers out to you. You blink a few times as the world starts to crumble around you, you feel immense pain, like you're dying. You feel your lungs shut and your eyes roll back. But then. You stop falling.

You wake up in Mark's arms. You lay on a hospital bed, the soft pitter patter beeps on the heart monitor. You feel stiff so you wait to move taking in your surroundings. Ethan, Wade, and Bob are standing at your feet. Mark stands next to you, holding your head and hand. 

"Please... Y/N... Come back to me..." Under his voice he says one more thing nobody else hears. "It was my fault..." You quickly throw yourself up hugging him. You regret it but you don't care holding onto him.

"No it's not Mark." You say about to cry. He gasps and wraps his arms around you before you fall onto the hospital bed. You see bandages on your arm and dried blood along your arm and side. 

"Y/N are you okay?" He says quivering slightly. You look at him and nod.

"I am because you saved me, Mark." He smiles and wipes his eyes starting to cry himself. 

"I'm just glad you're okay." He smiles setting you down on the bed slowly and carefully. 


A few days later you went home and Mark stayed with you, it was nice. Over time you decided to move in with Mark in LA. (A/N:I know this is all just sudden type thing but I'm writing this as like a time presence so you all know what's happening) But when you got to LA it was everything you wanted and more. The lights the sun it was beautiful. You got to his house and it was much better than yours which made you a little embarrassed. Okay a lot. You unpacked your stuff and got into your room. Mark was so pleased to be living with you.

"Thank you Mark, this is amazing!" You say jumping onto your new bed. He smiles and chuckles softly. 

"It's nothing, I just returned the favor." You smiled and hugged him. 

"You never owed me anything, you being you is enough." You smile and see a tint of blush on his cheeks. It was late though so you decided to head to bed. Mark smiled and left you to do your business. You changed into more fitting clothes and lay atop your bed. You sigh but before you drift off to sleep you hear your door open. It's pitch black but you can still hear. 

The door opens and a figure walks in, you want to believe it's Mark but that breathing is too ragged.

"He'll kill you... Yeah right..." You felt a head brush against your head, it sent shivers down your spine. A weight was pressed onto the bed and rested a hand on your waist. It was.. Dark? Or Google, one of the two. You figured which one when you felt sparks hit your legs once the weight was on the bed, Google. But why wasn't he attacking you or trying to turn you. 

"I don't know if you're awake or not but if you are just know that Dark will never hurt you, neither will I. He loves you, I'll protect you, and Mark is what ties us together, he'll do anything for you." You smile softly and as he stands up and walks out the door you drift to sleep.

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