Chapter 29 (McLoughlin)

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You run through the halls guard running after you as if you were a convict but you knew they were there to protect you. Your heart was pounding, a murderer was on the loose ready to kill you at any moment. 

You made your way out of the building, beeping and laughing filled the air like a clown in a hospital. You run to your car and get in driving fast to the orphanage not caring about speed limits. Mystique's life was at stake here, you pull up and the laughing is louder than ever but before you can even exit your car you get pulled into the backseat by someone else.

"Miss me?" Anti whispers in your ear hideously. 

"Let me go I need to save Mystique Rory's going to-" You get cut off by his hand covering your mouth. He growls and covers the green part of his hair and give you a blank expression, to be honest you had no idea how you had missed it. 

"Mystique is fine for now. My daughter will have a pleasure seeing me once again." You were so confused now not only was Mystique Rory's daughter but Rory was Anti or Jack, you weren't sure.

"Please let me see her." You muffle out. He sighs and walks inside with you. 

"No talking then." 

"I-" You pause and nod. Both of you walk into Mystique's room and she sees Anti and jumps to the back of her room. 

"Hey, sweetheart are you okay?" He walks a little closer and you want to just trip him and run with Mystique but you can't get the courage too. He hugs Mystique and she sits there like she's about to cry. 

"D-dad, w-what are you doing here?" She stutters out barely. 

"I came to see my daughter of course." 

"No. What are you doing here." She says carefully picking her words. 

"I was going to eliminate her but why not drop by." You sink down and go up to Mystique holding a hand out for her to take. She grabs it and starts running you run along with her. Anti starts chasing after you like a scene in a horror movie. You get to the car and buckle her in, both of you drive back to your home and park. 

"So, you are Anti's kid, but also Rory's kid. Then why do you look so different?" She pulled out her color contacts to show bright blue green eyes and put on a pair of glasses. She lifted her hair to show light brown roots. She was his daughter she just refused to say it. You sigh and walk her inside carefully. Mark sees you too and hugs you. 

"What happened now?"

"All you need to know right now is that we need to save a fan."

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