Chapter 7 (Jessy)

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The next morning you wake up to your phone alarming you of the new video. You yawn waking up and adjusting to the painful light of your phone screen. The video was of you two, you smiled softly but then read the comments, most liked you and some shipped you two! But of course, some hated you.
TatertotXD:what a skank prolly gettin Mark all up to be there
ImmaMomma:ugly trash, doesn't deserve it
NekoNekoNii:she probably was the one who crashed into Mark
Your heart thumped in your chest in the last one, you felt sudden tears in your throat but you gulped them down. You turned off your phone and went into the kitchen to collect yourself, it was early so Mark wasn't up yet. You just felt you heart thumping in your chest thinking now of all the anxiety now put on you from all the people watching his videos. How much hate could come from it? That kinda scared you. You sighed and got up from your desk going in to check on on Mark, even though it was early it was nice to see him. You walked into his room and saw him cuddling your pillows in the guest room, you smiled and walked up to him petting his hair, you heard him grumble and began to pull your hand back when he snatched it. 

"What are you doing?" He grumbled softly as you had now noticed you woke him. 

"N-nothing!" You stuttered, startled. He chuckled and sat up in bed, he wasn't wearing a shirt but you didn't mind. You sat next to him and smiled softly. 

"How did the viewers like you?" He said softly trying to be comforting if what he expected wasn't true.

"Not really..." you pulled up your phone and showed him. He frowned and turned off your phone.

"They don't matter." He said smiling his same goofy dorky smile he wore to start off every video.

You got up and helped Mark to his wheelchair but surprisingly he was well able to walk to it.

"Mark... Can you walk?" you said taking his hand. He must have been to tired to realize it but then he looked down, still standing, and nodded. You felt a little betrayed as he looked back up at you, but you just couldn't speak. Those puppy dog eyes looking into you, that mocha color melting into you. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry.. I.." You wouldn't let him speak, you walked back into your room. This was an opportunity you couldn't throw away; Mark, the Markiplier, was staying with you alive and well, but you felt so betrayed you couldn't tell if you wanted him there. Your mind tossed the thought back and forth until a few deep breathes calmed you down. You walked back to him a straight thought in your head. Your fingers twitched as you pushed his wheel chair away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You grumble a little. He fumbles his words but your stare makes him correct himself. 

"I didn't want to leave you like this, you've been such a good host and it seemed like it would hurt you too much if I left." He said, those same puppy dog eyes. You took a deep sigh and held your hand over his shoulder.

"Thank you..." You mumble and then sigh. 

After he got dressed and joined you in the kitchen for breakfast you showed him the video comments. As much as you felt confused and off about it, he knew about them too.

"Look, they're just haters. You'll be okay." He always knew what to say. You smile and finish your food rather quickly getting ready for work.

"I'll be back in a few hours. Keep making videos Mark." He chuckles lowly and you head out the door. Once outside you smile and sigh going to your car. You begin to drive to the hospital and see a girl with  a Markiplier shirt sitting there kinda oddly. She looked up from her phone and snarled at you. You shrugged it off and walked to your position. 

Work went by fast and soon enough your shift was done. You head out to your car and notice the girl from earlier is standing a few cars away. She snarls and charges for you, fumbling you bring your hands up to your face in half fists. She collides with you pushing you up to your car.

"The hell you doing with my Mark?!" She yelled at you. Her eyes were burning with rage. You pushed her off and got in your car locking the doors sitting in your seat you feel something warm trickle down your arm and drip onto your leg. A red substance was coming from a large gash on your arm. You looked for the girl and noticed she was holding a bloody scalpel. She had stabbed you, over Mark! You quickly drove home and covered it with bandages, the hospital almost every day gave you free bandages. 

When you reached home you scurried to your apartment into the room seeing Mark recording. He paused from his horror game and looked up at you, with a smug smirk and a pause of the game itself he got up and rubbed her shoulders and arms which kinda startled you. You sigh and shake your head.

"Didn't you just say yesterday-" You were cut off by his hand over your mouth. You knew this scene too well, but really not well enough because the man behind you wasn't Mark, nor Dark.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now