Chapter 10 (Mark My Savior)

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Mark must've fallen asleep because when you awoken from the dream talking to Dark he was asleep holding you on the couch. You sigh and rest on his shoulder again. He grumbles a little and wakes up holding his head. You rubs his shoulder a little with one hand and giggle.

"You okay Mark?" You smile and say. He nods and notes your wound.

"What happened?" He was so worried for you. You sighed and nodded, knowing you couldn't tell him about Dark.

"A fan girl stabbed me on the way home from work..." I said weakly. I kept blushing thinking about what had just happened with me and Dark and it wasn't even that big it just... felt like something. He noticed your blush and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. He smiled and held you close, it was nice to know he cared about you.

"Nobody will hurt you with me around Y/N..." He whispered and let you go. "Jesus I'll need to do a lot of editing." He sighed and groaned flopping onto the couch and continued playing the horror game. You smiled and left for your room grabbing your phone out of your pocket. You fell asleep on your bed texting Rory and watching Mark's videos from your room live and noting your laughter in the background of his videos. 

Your dream continued in Dark's home.

You walked into the living room and sat in front of the rusted fire place trying to note any changes in the building. The padlock seemed stronger and there was now now shattered glass on the floor almost like someone had cleaned. How sweet... You thought to yourself thinking Dark might have cleaned for you but you shooed it away thinking none of it. 

Dark walked down the spiral staircase and sat next to you on the couch. He was now in a more formal look, well as formal as it gets. His tie was off and his usual tuxedo was unbuttoned slightly with the jacket rested around him comfortably. He was calm and didn't have any visible glitches glowing off him.

"Are you okay, my queen?" It still scared you being around him a little. He was evil and you could not forgive the things he'd try to do to Mark, could you? You tossed thoughts around and sighed looking at him.

"I don't know..." You say softly but sternly. He nods and the fireplace lights. "Mark... Dark, do you feel anything real for me?" You ask him looking into his dark dark brown eyes, they weren't like Mark's smooth mocha puppy dog eyes. He smiles and wraps an arm around you.

"We... I do. Mark just doesn't know how to show it. I do just differently, I'm beyond sorry if I scare you?" He was as sincere as if Mark was saying it himself. You smile and rest your head on his shoulder but with the swiftness of falling asleep there you wake up to your phone alarm ready for work.

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