Chapter 38 (Just Gold)

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You wake up to a bright Sunday, Mark was downstairs and by the smell of it making breakfast. You could hear Mystique giggling and hanging out downstairs with him. You smile and get up rubbing your eyes a little. You look out the window and notice it's raining. Well, at least it's sort of sunny. 

You walk downstairs and sit with Mark and Mystique at the table, stealing a sip of Mark's coffee. He chuckles and ruffles your already messy hair while he takes his drink back.

"Hey don't steal my drink you got your own." He smiles.

"But your's is better, it's better if it's someone else's." Mystique laughs too now and you take a sip of your drink. You sit back taking a deep breath letting your muscles relax. Though you all had been through a lot you were happy to get a break from the excitement. Yesterday was fun in retrospect and gave you time to think and recollect with Mark. That's what you wanted.

A few hours passed and all of you were dressed, Mark went out to get some props for a Try Not To Laugh video while you chilled with Mystique. She was calm and quiet today, a little odd, but you were fine with it. You hugged her as you both watched TV.

"Anything wrong Mystique?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"You're just being a little quiet is all.." She pauses and nods.

"I've just been thinking about things, that's all but I'm fine." You raise the corner of your lip and narrow your eyebrows a little concerned but not enough to say anything. You calm and continue watching TV. Though not moments later, Mystique's phone goes off. She widens her eyes looking at the number and sighs. "I'll be back," She walked into a different room. Things were quiet for a while, no sound no movement just the light sound of the TV. Then you heard a loud bash from Mystique's room. You ran upstairs knocking on her door but she didn't answer, it got quiet again. You tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. 

You listened and heard soft sobbing from the other side of the door. 

"Mystique! Are you okay? Open the door!" You yelled through the door, Mark still wasn't home.

"I'm fine mom..." Her voice was shaken. It was scratchy as if she had been crying. You step back from the door and slowly pull out a paperclip from your pocket picking the lock to her room. Once it finally opens with a soft squeak you see her standing, her phone cracked on the floor with the popular girl's laughing face frozen on the screen. It shuts off. You enter the room. Mystique's hair is a covering her face, you'd seen this side of her only once before.

"Mystique?" She turned to face you with blood shot eyes.

"Go away..."

"Mystique, I'm not going anywhere are you okay?" 

"No. Just no." She walks to the other side of the room and the door slowly swings back into place, it's clicking scares you a little but you realize it was just the door. You take a deep breath.

"Mystique please tell me what's wrong I can help."

"No you can't! Nothing will!" 

"I can help I swear!"

"No! I'm the reason this is happening not my family, not you, not Roy! Me!" You get pushed back on her last word, you can feel your feet give slightly. She sobs and holds her face in her hands. "Just give me a moment." Not wanting to cause any more harm you leave out of the room. 

Hours passed and she was calm again, Mark came home and you all made videos for the rest of the day even though this did feel off to you.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now