Chapter 34 (Mom and Dad)

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Mark and you get home and Mystique falls asleep on the couch. The next day was calm, casual, nothing big or exciting, both you and Mystique took the day off because of what had happened. You spent the day with Mystique, it was nice. She was a great girl, so shy when you first met her but after a while she was actually really funny, a huge fan of Mark. 

"It's nice to know you care so much Y/N." She says smiling as you both sit in the living room after lunch. You smile back and nod. 

"It's good to know that you are safe, Mystique." She nods and looks at the TV. She pulls out her phone and sees a bunch of missed texts from Roy. She widens her eyes and quickly looks through them.

Roy: Hey where were you yesterday?

Roy: Why weren't you at school today?

Roy: look I need to talk to you, it's important

Roy: hello?

Roy: Mystique? 

She took in a deep breath and replied. 

Mystique: I'm here what is it?

Roy: I was going to ask you something yesterday but you never showed up at the orphanage where are you?

Mystique looked up at you and titled her head. 

"What do I say for where am I?" 

"Just say at a friends."

Mystique: I'm at a friend's house.

Roy: That explains it. 

Roy: Do you think we could meet up?

Mystique: where and when?

Roy: The cafe in an hour?

Mystique: sure

She puts away her phone and smiles giddily. 

"I'm meeting Roy at the cafe in an hour." 

"But we just ate?"

"It's okay, he wants to talk anyway." 

"Alright." You get up and help her to her feet. She smiles at your generosity and giggles. You take her to the cafe in an hour and then go home to Mark. He was sitting on the couch in the living room with Chica lazily sitting next to him. 

"Y/N? I want to talk..." You sigh and sit next to him. He places his hand on your leg slowly. "What do you honestly think of Jack?"

"He's my best friend or at least I thought he was. Why?" 

"Just everything that happened yesterday was so intense it just... I don't know..." You sigh and hug him. 

"I love you, you goof. Nothing will change that." He smiles and blushes. He kisses your cheek and then carefully sits back. 

"Speaking of yesterday, what are we going to do about Mystique?" He turns to you confused. "She can't just go back to Jack, he's heartbroken and traumatized. But I don't trust that orphanage Mark." 

"Well..." Now it was your turn to look at him with a confused face. "We could adopt her." Your eyes widen but the more you thought about it the more it seemed fitting. You sigh and nod. 

"Sure, she deserves it." He smiles and hugs you. 

"We'll actually be a family, a happy family." You smile and hug him back. 

"Of course you goof." 


Mystique walked into the cafe and saw Roy sitting at a table for two alone, he was looking at his phone without moving the screen. He had a nice outfit on and his auburn hair was less fluffed than usual. He looked up and smiled blushing seeing Mystique. Walking up to her without trying to show emotion he held out a bouquet of new flowers. It was nice. Mystique smiled and took them blushing as much as would show on her complexion. She sat down with Roy and he sat across from her. 

"Well Mystique, what happened to you yesterday? I waited at the orphanage for you almost all night." She took in a light gasp in shock. 

"I was with my friends, and biological father." It was his turn to take in a small gasp. They sighed and looked at each other.

"Well, what happened? I waited there for you..." 

"Why? Did you need me?" 

"Yes... And no... I needed to ask you something." He paused which got Mystique's attention.

"What is it Roy?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 


A bunch of papers later it was time for you to pick up Mystique. You drive up to the cafe and pick her up, she hugs Roy and runs into the car almost squealing with joy. You giggle.

"What happened hon?" 

"Roy asked me out!" 

"And?" You smile.

"I said yes!" It was adorable. You started driving and Mark turned to see Mystique. 

"Hey, Mystique we have some news for you, it may be hard to take but it may not." She pauses her joy and looks at him squinting her eyes like she missed something. 

"Mystique, we..." You pause and she sits up straight looking away hoping for the worst. "We adopted you." Clearly not what she expected she stutters for words. She jumps up and almost screams hugging you guys. 

"Yay!" She smiles warmly. "So you guys are my parents now?" 

"Sort of." Mark says warmly. She shakes around in the back seat excitedly and you laugh a little while driving. Mark laughs too and by the time you too get home it had calmed down. But you guys were a family, and it was adorable.

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