Chapter 9 (Real Nightmares)

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You awaken in a completely different room, you new you were asleep by the hazy walls seemingly melting away with every footprint you left. You bring yourself to your feet and look around, you were in a lovely home with grey walls and vintage furniture. There were flowers on every table and windows locked shut surrounding the walls barred shut. The windows were all cracked though, glass shattered on the floor and spilled wine on the table. You walked out of the room and found yourself at a spiral staircase, there were two ways to go; you could climb the stairs or you could go into the next room. Either way you would most likely end up in the other room. You decided to not be the stereotypical horror girl and go into the room and not up the stairs. 

In the room you walked into was a lovely fireplace made of bricks and copper which was rusted so much you were surprised it was stable. You saw picture frames without pictures in them and finger prints lining all the glass. A long brown lounge chair was in front of the fireplace and the smell of ash filled the room. You couldn't help but feel like someone was just in here. You walk up to a door next to the couch and notice a huge pad lock on it. You try breaking it but it has no effect. Sadly it wasn't made of rusted copper. 

The next room you visited was the kitchen, there was a freaky looking doll in the kitchen but it didn't seem haunted or anything else, but then again why would it? You looked around and noticed an uneaten steak and silverware sitting at a table nice and prepared. A bottle of light rum and two glasses next to it. You were confused, not just by the two glasses but if Google/Dark was here why alcohol? He can't drink it'll destroy his... insides. You shake off the idea of Dark trying to poison Mark and walk into another room. 

This room was back with the stairs, you walked up the dark spiral staircase and at the top you see two halls, one leading to five rooms and the other one was identical. You go down one hall and go into the last room thinking why the heck not. In the room it's black as night, no furniture and so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face. The door then slams behind you.

"finally, my queen..." you recognize the voice. "You finally arrived in my home." Dark said walking up to you and kissing your hand like a gentleman. You felt sick imagining that and snarled at him. His nice suit was tattered slightly and the scent of spilled wine was on it. You couldn't see him but the smell made you realize who had spilled the wine from earlier. 

Or drank it.

He stands up as the floor creaks a little and walks you further into the room. You have no choice other than to follow him. You go deeper and deeper into the darkness making it harder and harder for your eyes to adjust to the dark. You feel the slight rub of his tuxedo on your hand and blush lightly. You make it to a stop and your foot feels a chair or something in front of you. You reach out in front of you and feel the top of the chair, you sit down gently and try to feel where you are. 

A table...

A dish...

Something cold but solid...

A sharp object that almost nicks your finger...

A flash of light glows from behind you making you squint. Dark places a flame onto three candles, lighting a beautiful dinner. He pours you a glass of light rum and smiles.

"Please, my queen. Eat." He growls the last part and takes your hand.

"Dark I need to talk to Mark as much as I need him back I need to talk to him." You growl as pain surges through your arm from earlier. He notices and tilts his head.

"Is everything alright my queen?" Was he actually caring? You couldn't believe it but you held in that weak laugh you wanted to let out. He reached over for you and lifted your sleeve to see the stab wound badly bandaged. "Who did this to my queen?" he growled in his words and it made you blush, he smirked noting the fact you blushed at that. Did you really just make allies with Darkiplier? You chuckled in your head but no sound came out of you. 

"A fan girl who said she owned Mark. Her Mark." Dark grumbled and I noticed he was now gripping the steak knife in his hand. You sighed lowly.

"Mark isn't owned I am not owned we are not owned." He snarled and calmed down after he realized the glitching and shattering vision around him. When he calmed himself those visuals vanished. He took your hand and kissed it once more. "You can go back to Mark but if this happens again I'll protect you, my queen." As much as you wanted to refuse of being his queen you did kinda need protection there might be more than just this girl who knows. It scared you. Really bad and within seconds you were back in Mark's arms on the couch.

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