Chapter 24 (Have I Started A War?)

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You search around the spot where a large blue and red G lay carved ruggedly into the cement, black ooze surrounding it. You run your finger around it, the black ooze burned a little but it didn't hurt you that much. 

"Mark... where are you?" You notice a trail that the ooze follows and quickly run after it but, loosing your breath, you walk towards the end. You reach a dark end to the alleyway where roofs have blocked out the sun. You look around trying to find light but when you turn around you seem trapped, as if there was a wall there this entire time. You turn back around and the doors to the buildings next to you are replaced with small red lamps giving you a little light. 

You pick one up and continue walking. You slowly walk through the dark cobblestone alleyway holding only the red lamp. The walls just seem to keep going on forever, red lights appearing when you think you've gone blind. You finally reach a turn and hear laughter from behind you, dark laughter. It didn't sound like Mark though, nor any of his personalities. You keep walking, afraid to turn back. You hold onto the light tightly and reach another turn. 

The laughter seems louder now and your hands seem to shake as much as the lamp is flickering. You walk down and find a fork in the road, three signs sit there. 




You didn't know what it meant but you went down Mark's path, you had to make sure he was okay. He was your main priority. You make your way to the end and see broken chains with green lanterns there, a small note is dirtied under the chains. 

"You chose well, but you won't get it so easy this time, girly..." You didn't recognize the handwriting this whole thing was scaring you. The chains are gone when you look up and the world seems almost back to normal, you fall to your feet and the lantern falls lighting the floor ablaze in red flames. You then are force to look behind you. There stands someone you did know. 

Anti with a wide grin and blood dripping onto the ground.

"Good luck girly~" 

With that you wake up in the alleyway you left at. Your knees where scratched and the smell of gasoline filled the air. Everything was so confusing. You run up to the dark spot and see the red part is gone. You hurry to your car and rush home. When you get there you see Mark slugging up the front steps, wounded badly. You jump out of the car immediately after hitting park. You quickly stumble up to Mark and grab him in your arms, you didn't care if you were hurting him, you were just happy he was there.

"Y/N... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, are you okay? How are the others?" 

"I don't know... They're just... gone." 

"Let's get you inside and cleaned up, then we'll worry about them." 

You rush him inside and grab some medical equipment from your old job. You wash over his wounds and set him down on his bed. He sighs and hugs you once you finish.

"Thanks, Y/N..." 

"We'll make a video tomorrow so we can tell everyone you're okay. They shouldn't see you like this." 

"Thank you,"

"It's nothing..." 

"What are we going to do about Anti and the others?"

"I don't know..." You pause and looks down. "But I think we may have started a war..."

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now