Chapter 14 (Let's Take A Chance)

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You wake up the next day to Chica laying on your chest, laughing wearily you toss her off safely and get up. Groggily you walk down to see Mark in sleep pants making you breakfast. Smiling sweetly he hums a nice little tune that makes you smile too wiping her eyes open. You walk up to him and startle him a little when he turns to meet your gaze, nose to nose. He smiles blushing and backs away.

"Sorry, Y/N! I didn't realize you were up." He ruffles his hair awkwardly while talking. Chica waltz down and Mark pets her. You giggle a little and sit at the kitchen table. At the table Mark brings you food which wakes you up slightly more. You take a big breath stretching out, hearing each bone click into place. Mark sits next to you as you start to eat slowly.

"Hey Y/N, they opened a new restaurant downtown and I was wondering if after work you would like to join me to eat?" He blushes lightly in his words, you smile and nod.

"Sounds lovely Mark." You laugh groggily. He smiles and goes into another room calling them and making reservations, or at least that's what he said he was doing. You weren't concerned about that though, you had work! In LA you were able to become a doctor, not a huge doctor, just a first timer's emergency room doctor but with time who knows, you might become a surgeon? It was the best paying job to be a surgeon but it didn't matter either, you needed to get dressed and ready. 

You finished eating and left to your room once more leaving Mark alone and change into your wrap around polo and white clean pants. You go to your car and smile thinking of how far you got as you pull out of the driveway. You went to work and had a really rough day. (A/N I know I just made a huge turn around without details but you'll see) It was just like you imagined, nothing like you thought it'd be. It was, nobody treated you with respect and nobody even cared about you helping people, even the guy who came in with his bone sticking out of his body. It grossed you out but you got through it. When you got home you were exhausted and holding your hand weakly. Mark walked in the room and sat next to you.

"Are you okay?" Something seemed off with him but you couldn't tell what. You just rested your head on his shoulder and sobbed softly. 

"That bad?" He whispered and wrapped his arms around you comfortingly. You nodded and sighed. He sighed too and smiled. "At least we still have dinner." He smiled and walked out of the room swiftly coming in holding a handsome outfit he picked out (A/N Author is too lazy to choose one and I'm sure all my readers have different ideas on what the ideal handsome outfit is.) Mark left and got changed and so did you into a fitting F/C (favorite color) dress. 

Once out of your room Mark took your hand and lead you to the car. As you sat comfortably in your seat he started driving, you turned to him to speak.

"Is this a date?" You ask blushing lightly. He blushes too but doesn't move.

"If you want," He smiles.

"Sure, let's take a chance."

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