Chapter 19 (Pink, Black, and Red)

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The next day of November first, you wake up and just sit up thinking for a little while. You hadn't had the time to get a job since you moved to LA with Mark, but today was the day you promised them you would do it. You slowly get up arching your back and slowly lifting back up clicking your spine into place kinda painfully but okay. You yawn and make your way to the kitchen and sit at the nice dark wood table. You go on your phone looking at good jobs that fit your schooling and you were surprised to find a well paying job at a private school. You could be the nurse at the school, as much as you had that fear in the back of your head that those three girls would be there you also had the excitement of this great opportunity!

You send in an application and smile, you make some breakfast and really surprisingly they responded quickly. You had gotten the job! Your first day would be tomorrow, they must've really needed a good quality nurse huh. This job was surprisingly a better pay than being an actual nurse like you were before. It was something. Mark comes downstairs with floofy hair. You go up to him and ruffle it out of his eyes and smile.

"Good morning, honey." You giggle in your words. He kisses your nose and you smile. "I got a job, I'll be a school nurse so I'll work weekdays but only until 4, with holidays of course. It pays really well! And-" He stops you by putting his finger up and smiling. "Um, I'm ranting aren't I?"

"I know you'll do great and I'll still see you after work, it's fine. But yes, you were ranting." He chuckles and you blush a little.

"I love you goof ball." It was now his turn to ruffle your hair.

"I love you too Y/N." You both smile. He smiles and wraps an arm around you.

"So did you already make breakfast or should I make something?" He gives you a small smile. You shake your head lightly and laugh airily.

"No I made my own waiting for the school's reply, it's alright you don't have to make me anything." He smiles warmly, you feel a little bit of guilt but comfort knowing you'll have to leave Mark for the next few days but you also know he's fine with it and that makes you happy. If Mark is happy so are you, that's all that matters. He goes to make his own meal and turns back around with a bright pink in his eyes. It took you a moment to notice it but you couldn't recognize who it was. It wasn't Google, not Dark either. Mark just smiled odd like and walked up to you holding a kitchen knife and a bowl of cereal.

"Mark what are you doing?" You step back a little nervous of what is happening. He lets out a low chuckle. The knife twists in his fingers, the blade shining from its freshly sharpened status. You feel scared and look around for a place to run, his eyes are even more pink and you feel him grip your wrists.

"My name is Wilford Warfstache." He says weirdly moving his mouth. You focus your eyes on the knife but remember that name, that name, that silly name Mark made for one of his most famous characters. Well, personalities.

"Wilford, put the knife down." You say slowly trying to get your hands free. He feels the pull and groans.

"Now you're no fun! It was an accident before but nobody believes me." He starts swinging the knife around to announce his passion. He grumbles a little and you fall backwards in fear onto the floor. He stomps next to you so you can't get up. 

"Wilford I know you wouldn't hurt someone Mark loves this much... Right?" His pause scared you. You went to raise your hand but he turned to look down right into your eyes. He crouched down putting the tip of the blade to your neck making you tilt your head up slightly. He growls a little and laughs sweetly. A pink mustache glows on his upper lip. 

"I don't know who you are or why your here. I am allowed to kill trespassers." You carefully gulp down some pride. He nicks your neck pushing it further and your mind flushes with failing ideas. You finally take a deep breath and whimper out. "Mark I love you..." 

He drops the blade. His eyes soften and the mustache fades. Mark hugs you holding you closely to him. 

"God dammit! We've been trying to keep him away but he just... he just..." 

"He wants me dead. I know." You say hugging him back. "I'll be alright, you are strong enough to keep him back. I know you are." You kiss his nose lightly and giggle. You both stand up and go record some videos for the rest of the day together. 

Night rolls around and you and Mark decide to sleep in the same room tonight. He holds you closely once in bed. You giggle and his kisses you cheek making you blush. He hugs you tightly and nuzzles against you. You felt warm and safe that night, it made you feel good. 

"We won't let anyone hurt you, Y/N. We promise." He smiles against your cheek. You smile to and kiss his chest before falling asleep.

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