Chapter 41 (Your Fans)

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Mark wakes you up tiredly. You sit up carefully and look around. 

"What is it Mark? You're up surprisingly early." You rub your eyes and jump out of bed.

"Matthias and I are making a video today so I'm gonna be gone today." 

"Aw, Mark." 

"I know but my fans need me, you know." He kisses your cheek as he pulls on his flannel. You get dressed and he gets in the car to drop you and Mystique off at the school. You both head off to school and Mystique goes to her classes. Roy walks into the office. 

"Did you see Jack's newest video, Y/N?" 

"No, what is it?"

"He said some words on there." You turn on your computer and look at his newest video. It was titled "Thank You". Where had you heard that before?

"Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye! And TODAY! We're not playing a game... I'm here to talk. Me and Mark got in a fight over something I regret, the last video I uploaded wasn't something I meant to do. I'm sorry for scaring my fans, you all mean everything to me. Thank you, and I couldn't believe the amount of support you guys gave me. You guys are amazing and it's you guys that kept me from well... turning against my friend. Mark would do anything for his fans and I know some of you out there don't care for him and a lot of you ship us. This isn't some Septiplier joke that we did about we had a fight over out ideal love affair. No. This isn't a joke, we aren't a couple and as his fans know he's dating Y/N... I have gone through a lot the past few days but I need to tell you all something. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for the way I've been recently. It wasn't right. I'm sorry. I'm gonna take a break from YouTube just so I don't turn again. I'm so sorry." The video ends with the cute cut scene with Sam. You widen your eyes and Roy looks at you.

"What happened?"

"Well... I've known Jack for a long time, him and Mark do anything for their fans as he said. But Jack loved me... I know it's cheesy and it might be weird since your in middle school but he loved me. But I didn't know, I loved Mark anyway. Mark loved me too... But Jack got jealous..." Roy paused.

"Just because I'm in middle school doesn't mean I can't understand this."

"I know... I'm just saying." 

"I understand." He paused and patted your back. "I'm gonna go back to class. Have a good day." He leaves and you keep watching the video over and over. Hours later Mark picks you and Mystique up from school. 

"Did you see the video, Mark?"

"About Jack? Yeah.." 

"It's not your fault..." Mystique says joining the conversation.

"But I can't help but feel like it is." You put your hand on his and he takes a deep breath. "Our fans are everything to us, they mean everything. We love them. Our fans are amazing to us, and always have been the best thing to happen to us and the luckiest." 

"Thank you." You and Mystique say in different times. 

"Thank you." Mark says and you all head back home for the night.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now