Chapter 48 (Alex)

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(A/N Also, if you read my other stories you already know, I don't ship Amyplier I am just using this photo, just to clarify. But also this chapter should kind of explain that anyway. I just try to use photos that add along to the story. Anywhosies back to the story hope you enjoy!)

You wake up, tired and a bit lonely. You felt lonely with nobody by your side in the bed. You shook off the feeling when you saw a picture of Mark with bed head on his feed. He looked adorable. You got out of bed and put on some clothes getting ready for the day. No work today since it was a weekend but you could hang out with Mystique today unless she was going on a date with Roy which, speak of the time, she turns up right as you think.

"Roy is coming in an hour to take me to a movie okay Y/N!" you sigh.

"Sure hon, and you don't have to call me by my name. Just call me mom okay."

"Um.. okay mom." She blushed a little flustered and smiled. "Thanks." she runs up and hugs you and within what felt like minutes she was gone with Roy. You took Chica on walks and watched Marks funny videos he made at VidCon. He was a goofball and nothing could change that. But that girl was still there right by his side every time. You were growing more and more envious but it just in a snap of realization made you more mad.

That girl he was with was Alex, the waitress from the cafe he stopped with a while back. Could he be... No. He wouldn't. But it would explain a lot of things.. No. He wouldn't cheat on you... Right?

You were pondering the thought for hours. When Mystique got home you finally snapped out of the trance. You went to your daughter and hugged her when she got home.

"um hi." She said a little tiredly and confused. Roy kissed her cheek and left smiling. She smiled too and waved to him. You let go of her and she ran to make some food for herself. You both had a nice meal later, just chilling watching movies and hanging out together. Things were starting to make you feel so suspicious you just felt like something was going on that you didn't know about. 

And didn't know if you wanted to know about...

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now