Chapter 46 (If You Say So)

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Today you get to stay home because of how you helped your boss, she needed time to cope too. Mark was surprised to know that you were staying home, you sighed and sat on the living room couch in your comfy pajamas. He smiles and wraps his arms around you. 

"I'm gonna go pick us up some drinks from the cafe, I'll be back." 

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." He left and you sat there in your own thoughts, mainly thinking about what you were going to do while Mark was gone at VidCon. Mystique would be alone, Mark would be alone with his fans, honestly you felt a little jealous, not of Mark but of his fans. You were just being a bit protective but you had a reason; you had both been through a lot since you got together but this time would be okay. You held your breath when you heard Mark pull in the garage and let out a big sigh. He walked in with two drinks. 

"Hey what'cha doing?" He asks sweetly. 

"Just thinking, what'd you get?" 

"Your favorite." You run up and see that indeed he got your favorite drink. What a sweetheart. You grabbed it and took a sip smiling. He smiled and laughed a bit wiping the bit you got on your nose off. You giggle cutely and he smiles more. You both sit together, today was going to be calm. You just sat there in Marks arms sweetly. It felt safe, and you loved him. You didn't care what Jack had said you believed Mark. 

"Maybe wanna go make a video with me today? Ethan and Tyler are going to be there."

"Sure!" You ran upstairs to get ready. You heard Mark on the phone expecting it was Tyler or Ethan but it sounded a little weird. He was talking about VidCon. You finished getting ready and walked downstairs as he hung up. 

"Who was it?"

"Family, you know."

"Yeah, I understand." You both headed over to where you were recording. Ethan greeted you and so did Tyler but Tyler kind of scared you, he had a douch type of stance but Ethan had the exact opposite.

"They don't bite, trust me." You laugh a little and stay close to Mark though. You record a few challenge episodes and continued messing around with Mark, it was a slow but great day, you had fun with Mark and that's what you cared about.

Love is the Best Medicine (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now