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"Ok Keith, when I said vol...you say tron. Vol.." Lance waited.

"Vol...tron?" Keith said.

"Ughh!" Lance moaned. "You are frustrating me!"

"What's happening?" Shiro approached the two.

"He won't say tron." Lance cried.

"That's easy, just say Voltron without the vol!" Coran smiled with Allura behind him.

"But that doesn't make sense to me, tron is not the name of our team!" Keith answered confused.

Lance squinted his eyes at Keith annoyed. Lance, Shiro, Allura and Coran were all trying to make Keith say tron. 

"What are you guys doing?" Hunk tried saying with a full mouth.

"KEITH WON'T SAY TRON!" Lance cried.

"Have you tried bribing?" Pidge asked.

"I will not annoy you for a whole month!" Lance immediately yelled.

Pidge went close to Keith and whispered in his ear. "Ok now try."

"When I say Vol, you say..."

"TRON!" Keith shouted quickly like a soldier.

Lance is shocked and annoyed by how easy Pidge got him to say it. "H-How?"

"I told him if he didn't say it then he wasn't allowed to have sex for a month with Lance," Pidge said.

"WAIT WHAT?" Lance said.

"Don't think that I don't hear you two," Pidge said.

Klance One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now