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"Ok team, we're gonna split up. Who knows where the galra went." Shiro sighed taking the lead.

In the mines, they all split up. Keith and Lance went one way. Pidge and Hunk went the other, while Shiro was in the middle keeping the coast clear. After walking down the mine for some time, the 2 boys came to a fork.

"I go one way, you go the other?" Keith suggested.

"Sounds fair," Lance agreed.

The two split up. Walking down the mines, something went into Lance's mind. A soft controlling voice.

"Hello, Lance." The voice said. "I'm the voice in your head."

Lance froze.

"I won't hurt you." The voice said. "At least physically."

"Wait, what-"

Lance's eyes rolled back as the only part showing was white.

"Anything yet?" Shiro asked on the helmet.

"No," Keith replied.

"No." Hunk and Pidge both said.

"Is Lance with you?" Shiro said.

"No, there was a fork in the path."

"Ok. Keep looking and tell me if you guys find anything." Shiro said.

"Ok," Keith said.

~Keith's POV~

I walked around when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned quickly with my gun pointing at the sound.

"Lance you scared me," I huffed. "Did you find anything?"

Lance aimed his gun at me. "Lance?"

I turned around to see if he was pointing at something else, but there was nothing. I noticed the white in his eyes.

"Lance? What are you doing?" I asked?

"Get on your knees." A different voice escaped out of Lance's mouth.

I did so.

"Guys, I think Lance is going to shoot me," I said worriedly.

"I'm coming," Shiro said.

"Us too." Hunk said.

"Lance! Don't do anything you'll regret." I said.

I tried to take the gun away fast but he dodged me. I backed up.

"Lance stop! You're scaring me!" I shouted

I can feel tears beginning to form. I sat down on my knees with my head leaning on the end of his gun.

"If you want to shoot me, then do it fast," I said.

I can hear more footsteps. I look over, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk.

"Lance! What are you doing." Shiro interrupted.

~Lance's POV~

"Shoot." The voice said.

"NO!" I yelled at it. "

I can hear Shiro, Pidge and Hunk yell at me.

"KEITH MOVE!" I yelled.

He didn't move. He can't hear me. Everyone is still yelling at me. I can feel my fingers wrap around the trigger. Keith is scared, I can see. I began to pull. "NOOO!" My voice broke the control finally. I adjusted my aim in a matter of seconds. The blast flies and just skims Keith's cheek. Keith's eyes are wide as his breathing heavied. I drop the gun with tears and fell into a hug with Keith.

"I'm so sorry," I said with an unstable voice. "Something controlled me."

"Let's just be glad that no one is badly injured," Shiro said.

"I'm so sorry." I cried onto his shoulder.

He let out a breath and patted my back. "It's ok."

"I'm so sorry."

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