77 (Part 5)

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~Keith's POV~

We arrived at the small restaurant, my favourite one. It was a bar/restaurant. Tonight surprisingly isn't that busy. I helped him sit down first, then I sat across from him. My heart is pounding, he's absolutely beautiful.

"Keith?" Lance said.


"Can you describe the place?" He asked.

I smiled. "Of course. You and I are sitting across from each other at a booth, it's red, the colour of danger and fire. The table your hands are on is a blue marble design. It looks as if someone took different shades of the ocean, blended it with the sky, and spilt it carefully on the table. The wood on the floor is old, a rustic colour, not too dark, not too vibrant. The lights in the room aren't that bright, the bar has many drinks, all looks like a rainbow together."

"What's it like outside?"

"Dark, trees are surrounding us, except for the dirt road," I said.

He smiled. "Beautiful."

The waitress came, she was tall, with black hair and white skin, a big nose and beautiful eyes. Hmm. 

"Hello you two, my name is Carrie and I will be your waitress tonight." She smiled handing us both a menu.

I passed her his menu. "We don't need this one."

"Sharing?" She smiled.

"I'm blind." He said.

"Oh." She went silent.

In a quick rescue to this silence, I began telling Lance what's on the menu, and we ordered. Carrie took notes then left. Our shake came first, we decided to split it. It was a galaxy shake, with blueberries and strawberries, some parts were black, others were purple, but, for the most part, it was red and blue with sparkles.


"Mhm?" I said staring at the shake.

"You sound beautiful." He smiled.

I went red. "Y-You are beautiful." I paused thinking about my stutter.

He smiled turning red.

"How long have you been blind for?" I asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

He smiled. "Interesting question you ask, and actually it was when I was 6, I was in a car accident, stayed in the hospital for 8 months, was in a coma for 5 months, but at the end of the coma, I couldn't see. No one knew why." He said. "The world was beautiful, I forgot a lot of things, but never my moms face, I can describe it off by heart right now on the very spot."

"I'm sorry that happened, that must have been terrifying!" I said.

He nodded. "It's ok though, I'm happy now." He smiled.

"You're a strong guy you know," I said.

Our food came, surprisingly fast, but with few customers, it's average. Lance got poutine, and I got sushi.

"Have you ever tried sushi?" I asked to take a bite of one.

"No." He replied.

"What?! Actually?" I asked.

He smiled. "Never."

"Would you like to?" I asked.

"Sure." He opened his mouth.

I grabbed sushi, dipped it in soya sauce and let him bite out of it. He went silent for a minute, chewing slowly.

"I like it." He smiled.

We ate food, talked for a bit, paid, then hopped back on my bike. This time I was cruising slowly through the dirt road. I took my time admiring him holding me from behind, his hands here and there adjust surprising me a little.

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