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~Not Klance related but funny/Keith and Shiro in the middle of a fight~

"You know what? Go in the fridge, have a cookie." Keith said.

"What did you do to them..." Shiro stared down Keith.

"Nothing! If you want me to eat one I will, you can even pick." Keith crossed his arms.


After a minute Shiro came back with the 2 cookies.

"Which one do you want me to have?" Keith asked.

Shiro handed him one. "You eat it first."

"Ok, fine," Keith bit into it.

He started chewing then swallowed.

"Finish it," Shiro said.

"Yeah, yeah, let me take my time," Keith waved his hand.

Keith finished it then sat on the couch looking at his phone. "See, still alive."

"Ok," Shiro said biting into the cookie.

Shiro finished the cookie and looked back at Keith with a smirk.


Keith turned smiling. "Wait for it to hit you."

Shiro went a little white. "Hit me? What?!"

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