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~In a dimension where Shiro is Keith's older brother and Lance's older brother (we will call him Jacob McClain) work together. A full-time teacher(Shiro) and a beginning teacher(Jacob) working in the same class...with there little brother's~

"So class, today we are getting a new teacher who is learning to be a real teacher and also is Lance's older brother. Mr.McClain." Shiro said.

~Keiths POV~

We got work handed to us, I heard Shiro and Jacob whispering to each other. I swear, if Shiro shares my secret I will actually kill him. Lance and I exchange looks when I heard my name.

"Keith! Please move." Shiro said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Please sit beside Lance." He said with a giggle.

I froze turning red, the two teachers started giggling to each other. I started walking towards Lance. I can hear Pidge and Hunk laughing in the back. Jacob wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to Shiro, Shiro wrote on it and swiped it back. They both laughed quietly.

"There passing notes," I whispered to Lance.

"I know, I'm curious," Lance said.

"I have an idea," I said.

I whispered into Lance's ear, he smiled, I went into Lance's bag and grabbed his empty milk container.

"Shiro?" I said.

"Yes." He said.

"I drank a whole container of milk," I said holding it up.

"What! Your lactose intolerant." He said.

"Right, forgot," I said.

Both teachers rushed over to me checking if I'm okay, Lance got up and walked away to the teacher's desk. I started choking, even though if I drink milk I won't choke. Just bad stomach aches.

"WHAT?!" Lance freaked looking at the note.

The bell rang and everyone began leaving.

"What? What does it say?" I asked.

He walked over as both teachers try to grab it from him, he slammed it on my desk. I began reading it. "Keith likes Lance." "Lance likes Keith too!"

I stared down turning red. Oh my god.

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