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~Keiths POV/TW Rape~

Lance and I got invited to a party, it's a party for Shiro's promotion at his mansion. We both partied a bit, it was about 12 am when I was tired.

"Lance?" I said in a questionable tone.

"Yes?" He answered.

"I'm way too tired, I'm going to go to sleep in the car," I said.

"Ok, I'm gonna go find Hunk then I'm gonna come." He said.

I nodded, he kissed me quickly and I walked away. I arrived in the car and sat in the passenger seat with my hand on my cheek, I checked the time 12:13. I closed my eyes.

~Small time skip~

I opened my eyes then checked the time, 10:20 am. I looked at the car, no Lance. I went inside Shiro's house, there were red plastic cups and plastic plates everywhere. I started walking, maybe Shiro knows where Lance is. I began walking to Shiro's room when I saw a blue and white shirt, the one Lance was wearing, lying in front of a door. Oh no. But then again, whenever Lance and I sleep together he takes his shirt off. I walked in, I made sure to keep quiet to not wake hi-  ....is that...a girl? I walk towards the two. It is! Please say he has clothes on. I pulled the sheets a bit. Oh my god! Is he serious! I sighed with tears flowing, I should have seen this coming, I took my marriage ring off and put it on his finger than in permanent marker I wrote on his wrist, 'You can keep it, bitch, ~Keith.' I walked away with tears. We were married for 5 years, dated for 4 years, is he serious? I heard footsteps then a door open, I turned.

"Morning," Shiro smiled in a grey sweater and sweatpants.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"Where's your ring?" He asked.

How did he notice so quickly?

"Look in the bedroom," I mumbled.

"Oh." He said without even looking. "It's not what it looks like."

"Sure it is," I sighed rubbing my face.

"Come, I'll explain it in the kitchen." He said. "Do you want coffee?"

I nodded no.


"I'm not hungry," I said.

"Okay." He said. 

After his coffee was made he sat me down at his table.

"Last nig-"

"SHIRO! SHIRO!" It was Lance's scream and a cry.

Shiro looked in the direction of the noise.


He ran into the room. "KEITH!" 

Lance had tears streaming down his face as he hugged me.

"Why were you sleeping with a girl?!" I instantly asked.

"It's not what it looks like!" He cried. "I would never do that to you!"

"Then why did I find you sleeping with a girl?" I asked.

"I got tied! I swear!" He replied in a panic.

"Then how did you get out if you were tied?" I asked.

"I struggled to get my hands out!" He showed me his wrists, bleeding.

I shook my head.

"Lance came in my house, he asked me if I knew where Hunk was, I said no, so he said okay and began walking around the house. A couple of people started telling me that 4 people were members of different gangs and were having a fight, 2 battled out but then Lance bumped into one by accident, Lance apologized but then the one guy grabbed his arm and tied him to a bed with a girl." Shiro said. "I would have done something but I found out this morning by messages."

I was concerned and confused. A lady walked downstairs, she had a huge bed head.

"Oh, hey, you're the guy my cousin wanted me to fuck weren't you? What's your name again?" She asked.

"I made a promise on my mama's life that I will never hit a girl, so please leave before I slap a bitch," Lance said.

She rolled her eyes and left the room.

"I would never! Ever! Cheat on you!" Lance declared. "Have I ever cheated on you?"

I nodded no.

"Good! I'm never gonna!" He said.

I nodded. He hugged me then tried to kiss me.

"You're not kissing me with her lips on yours," I said walking away.

"SHIRO WHERE'S YOUR SOAP!" Lance yelled.

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