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~Work AU/Lance's POV~

I'm a paramedic, worked hard, trained hard. Beside the hospital is a fire station, then in the middle of both of the buildings is a cafe, it looks like Starbucks cafe but isn't, it serves way better drinks and food. I was on break, I walked to the cafe with my buddy Hunk, also a Paramedic. He isn't the greatest since he has a small fear of blood, but he pushes it aside. We're standing in line, I'm buying a coffee, he usually buys a donut or something like that. I ordered and went to the waiting area, I looked through the line for familiar faces when...two firefighters came in, a short super slim one and a tall muscular one. The short one had a white tank top and his lower gear on, mullet. The tall one had all of his gear on, black and white hair. Oh, my god, mullet is really cute. Crap! He's making eye contact, now he's giving me a weird look!

"Lance!" Hunk said rushing towards me.

He grabbed a napkin and started pressing it below my nose.

"You have a bloody nose." He patted. "How did you get it?"

Hunk stopped then raised an eyebrow. "Was it another girl?"

I looked up. "Boy."

"What time?" He asked.

"6 o'clock," I said.

He turned and seen the mullet boy.

"Ohhh." He smirked.

The mullet guy was ordering, he ordered the same thing I did.

"2 cream 1 sugar?"

I looked over. "Yes."

She placed it in front of me. Mullet boy and his muscular friend came over, he stepped a bit back from us though. I looked at Hunk. "Is my nose still bleeding?"

He looked closely. "Hmm no."

"Okay. I'm going in." I said.

"Okay." Hunk said.

I walked over and stood beside him.

"Uhh, hello?" He turned his head.

"Hey," I said.

It went quiet.

"Did I take your breath away? Well, it's perfect cause I'm an expert in mouth to mouth." I smirked.

He looked around. "The oxygen level is fine."

"No, it's a pickup line." His friend laughed quietly.

"Ohh," Mullet said. "Let me get this straight, you, want to date me."

Oh no.

"Yeah?" I said.

He looked me up and down. "Give me your phone."

"Umm, okay," I said.

I went into my pocket and pulled out my phone, giving it to him. He did something and then handed it back to me.

"That's my number, you can call or text." He said turning a bit red.

"2 cream 1 sugar?" 

"Yes." He stepped forward.

"Wait, what's your name?" I asked.

He turned. "Keith, you?"


"Cool." He said walking away.

I ran to Hunk. "I got his number!"

"Congrats dude!" Hunk said filling his face with donuts.

"Now I just wait, for the date," I smirked.

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